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Collaboration in a sentence

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Sentence count:189+4Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: coactioncollaborationismquislingismSimilar words: elaboratelaboratorycorporationexplorationabortioncollectioninstallationlaborMeaning: [kə‚læbə'reɪʃn]  n. 1. act of working jointly 2. act of cooperating traitorously with an enemy that is occupying your country. 
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151 This container also provides the common features such as the search capability, persistent data, the administration interface, SSO, and collaboration.
152 Drawing on social movement and organizational theory, we explain how challenging parties not only mobilize to achieve their goals but how they are able to transform contestation into collaboration.
153 In most cases, the most dramatic successes involved collaboration with the programming team, and didn't involve traditional uses (if any use) of the GUI-based regression tools.
154 Collective ownership provides another level to the collaboration begun by pair programming.
155 Source adapter controller - The source adapter controller has an in-memory "mailbox" that it monitors to pick up events and passes them to the corresponding collaboration.
156 Initially developed in 2000 as a common framework for UN-Business collaboration, the Guidelines apply to the UN Secretariat as well as separately administered organs, Funds and Programmes.
157 Mismatching what is expected of individuals and what they are rewarded for — financially, professionally and institutionally — can undermine effective collaboration.
158 Nevertheless, they can become important sources of funds for South–South research collaboration, producing scientific and technical — as well as political — benefits.
159 The well-known companies began a collaboration 5 years ago, when Bentley has created the fastest and the most powerful sedan in the world – Continental GT.
160 This Certificate Program in Financial Mangement is developed in collaboration with the Department of Mathematics at EMU.
161 Let me thank WIPO staff for facilitating WHO collaboration with the Franklin Pierce Law Center at the University of New Hampshire.
162 The finding substantiates the straight-out collaboration transaction between sides is the best strategy to reduce the transaction cost and increase the transaction efficiency.
163 Then we viewed the business process as a service collaboration that represents a Business Services Requirements contract that must be fulfilled by our eventual solution.
164 Change tracking, inline comments, side-by-side compare, compare and merge, compare versions, and text highlighter features support document revision and collaboration.
165 Thus, it can neither reflect the effect of systems produced by social division of labor and collaboration, nor reflect the outside effect produced by the processes of various individual production.
166 These findings have been corroborated by another transversal study, carried out with college students, and two cross-cultural projects carried out in collaboration with Scotland and Canada.
167 "How to Get Rid of Cellulite" is his first collaboration with Warner Brothers and will not disappoint fans of his earlier work, with its risque dialogue and funny songs.
168 The U.S. Department of Energy, however, has indicated interest in starting an international marine collaboration.
169 You are seeing both sides wake up to the fact that if they want to achieve any of the objectives that they mutually hold, they need to do it in close collaboration.
170 Picardie makes light of Chanel's World War II collaboration with the German occupiers of Paris.
171 Phase IV is a mature stage, the main elements of resource sharing[Sentencedict], collaboration with the office sector.
172 In a bit of cloak-and-dagger grandiosity, the firms dubbed their collaboration Team Themis, after a titan of Greek mythology who embodied natural law.
173 Collaboration is a key element in the fight against cybercrime.
174 But speak of from the back talk deeper to feel more from the back have very large collaboration possibility.
175 Mycologist plays a key role in the collaboration of clinical and laboratory works.
176 In collaboration with scientists at Princeton University, Johnson and colleague Michael Rugg, CNLM director, used functional magnetic resonance imaging to study the brain activity of students.
177 A division of interaction behave levels between human and virtual environment was presented. From low to high, They are data level, analysis level and collaboration level in order.
178 Agile development methods are an attempt to re-introduce flexibility and collaboration, but agile methods do not scale to large projects-they work for small, multidisciplinary teams.
179 The result of the collaboration was a "patient" that is more realistic than other dummies down to a moving tongue and gag reflex.
180 The innovation strategies of regional collaboration healthcare system(RCHS) could be divided into broadwise and endwise with the view of systematology and synergetics.
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