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Characteristic in a sentence

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Sentence count:273+4Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: device characteristicfeatureSimilar words: characterizebacteriapracticecharterdistractpracticalin practicepracticallyMeaning: [‚kærəktə'rɪstɪk]  n. 1. a prominent aspect of something 2. a distinguishing quality 3. the integer part (positive or negative) of the representation of a logarithm; in the expression log 643 = 2.808 the characteristic is 2 4. any measurable property of a device measured under closely specified conditions. adj. typical or distinctive. 
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121. Naomi is meeting the changes in her life with characteristic optimism.
122. It is a characteristic of both adjudicatory and regulatory bodies that they produce a binding determination of the issue before them.
123. This lack of genuine relationships with other human beings is characteristic of the unreality of Capitol Hill.
124. Characteristic activity: necessarily occurring with adverbs like always and continually.
125. These traits are ingrained and stable dispositions to respond to certain situations in particular ways characteristic of the personality.
126. Analysis of the anterior wall biopsy specimens showed none of the characteristic histopathological features of mucosal prolapse.
127. They concluded that the wary response is more characteristic of the social circumstance than of the individual's level of development.
128. Sport can possess the characteristic of a capital good, one that yields a return as part of a market production process.
129. The use of alternative names is a characteristic feature of Near Eastern writing.
130. Those who hold that tongue speaking is the defining characteristic of pentecostalism insist on the Topeka advent.
131. Yet they did have an important influence on the evolution of bargaining structure and the characteristic form which it assumed.
132. Now, one characteristic shines like a beacon in a storm,( like the sun breaking through clouds.
133. Contrasts of major and minor keys with the same root, found but once in Stuck's first book, are characteristic.
134. Granulomata themselves were comparatively infrequent, and other histological features characteristic of Crohn's disease were less conspicuous than usual.
135. It could be argued that telepathy is a desirable characteristic for the subordinates of such a person!
136. When, in his most characteristic gesture, he presses a gesticulating finger to his forehead, his hand trembles.
137. And this is without the inevitable political and legal wrangling so characteristic of any nuclear activity in the United States.
138. A part of the difficulty in leaving county cricket lies in its consuming characteristic.
139. A chief characteristic of isolationism is not caring very much about what happens elsewhere.
140. I at once sensed the physical austerity and the quality of social and intellectual superiority characteristic of the best public schools.
141. It is the characteristic chemical products of such enzymes that give a cell its individual shape and behaviour.
142. The mammals have their own special and characteristic way of fuelling their developing young.
143. They share the characteristic of being established recognised professional bodies: The Association of Consulting Engineers.
144. This apart(, their characteristic posture was not one of confidence about the world they lived in.
145. In general, the examples exhibit behaviors that are more characteristic of people than of conventional computers.
146. The evangelists make the point in their own characteristic ways.
147. But amygdalin reacts with an enzyme in the almond to produce glucose and two very characteristic compounds, benzaldehyde and prussic acid.
148. A perception of the bureaucrat's power resources is another characteristic feature of some theories of colonial government.
149. It took its characteristic dark colour from the addition of roasted barley to it.
150. This appears to be closely related to whether we share the observed characteristic or not.
More similar words: characterizebacteriapracticecharterdistractpracticalin practicepracticallyinteractartisticout of practicerealisticterroriststatisticsoptimisticinteractionstatisticalsophisticatedChart.charmchartharassmentCharliein charge ofwristattractgive rise totake chargetouristabstract
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