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Blunt in a sentence

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Sentence count:194+11Posted:2017-03-01Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: candiddirectdullfrankoutspokenstraightforwardacutekeensharpSimilar words: blundervolunteervoluntaryblueblufflungclungflunkMeaning: [blʌnt]  v. 1. make less intense 2. make numb or insensitive 3. make dull or blunt 4. make less sharp 5. make less lively, intense, or vigorous; impair in vigor, force, activity, or sensation. adj. 1. having a broad or rounded end 2. used of a knife or other blade; not sharp 3. characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion 4. devoid of any qualifications or disguise or adornment. 
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61. Her face was rather blunt, the features unfinished putty dabs, and now it was swollen with crying.
62. The cause of death had been the terrible bludgeoning he had received from a blunt instrument.
63. He had a blunt, good-natured face and a thick head of reddish hair.
64. To be blunt about it, the challenge confronting Mr Heseltine is how to maintain his momentum.
65. Maria can be very blunt and sometimes shocks people who don't know her well.
66. I know it sounds unfeeling but to be blunt we can't go on much longer without any money coming in.
67. I shan't beat around the bush, and I shall thank you to be absolutely blunt with me.
68. A harsher critic would have gone for the jugular and claimed that this was a blunt reiteration of those dormant adolescent prejudices.
69. His request for a bigger room met with a blunt refusal.
70. Blunt changed course just enough to collide with Peacock head-on.
71. It's difficult to achieve a good result if you use blunt tools.
71. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
72. After a while they kidnap and murder a young boy for kicks, bashing him over the head with a blunt instrument.
73. Black silhouettes move out of the darkness and change into blunt torpedoes, dark and slow-moving as they glide over the sandy bottom.
74. The bare infinitive would blunt the sharp edge of this expressive effect.
75. The first beatitude shocks us with this blunt realization that true happiness is reserved for children and the poor.
76. Never use these scissors to cut paper as this will blunt them.
77. If they're a bit blunt rub the tip with a nail file.
78. While the men exchanged blows the girl struck Farini from behind with a blunt instrument.
79. To be blunt, the Net isn't meant for kids, and furthermore, it's not a babysitter.
80. Blunt pencils and empty pens become a thing of the past.
81. These larger spines are slightly flattened and on proximal joints may have blunt tips.
82. Run a blunt knife around the inside edge of the tin and turn out the cake on to a wire rack to cool.
83. The victim was hit on the head with a blunt object.
84. Police say the victim was hit with a blunt instrument, possibly a hammer.
85. Her blunt opposition to Symington completed a process of disassociation between the two that began during the last gubernatorial election campaign.
86. Focardi's research shows that civil servants were told in blunt language to fake the quest for justice.
87. I sometimes think a blunt instrument would do some good for her.
88. Well, let us be blunt: People who believe this logic are either stupid or fools.
89. The remaining surface must carry blunt warnings about the dangers of smoking.
90. And worse yet, when it changed, it did so with blunt scorn for the fantasists.
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