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Blueberry in a sentence

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Sentence count:62Posted:2016-10-30Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: blueberry bushSimilar words: boysenberrybluea blue moonaberrationcluevaluerebeleffluentMeaning: ['bluːbərɪ]  n. 1. any of numerous shrubs of the genus Vaccinium bearing blueberries 2. sweet edible dark-blue berries of either low-growing or high-growing blueberry plants. 
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1. Blueberry bushes need a very acid soil.
2. Planted blueberry bushes. Digging trench for cabin foundation.
3. A blueberry muffin should be bursting with blueberries, an apple muffin heavy with apples.
4. The blueberry pie came with a mound of whipped cream on the side.
5. Beat in the blueberry paste, fresh cream and egg.
6. Papain, blueberry and raspberry extract.
7. I'll be back before you can say blueberry pie.
8. Did you get the blueberry pancakes?
9. Concentrated aromas of ripe blueberry and blackberry dominate on the nose, but notes of balck olive, fig and a slight graham cracker character add complexity.
10. Complex aromas are highlighted by blueberry and strawberry, tobacco, cigar box and cloves, followed by dry fruits such as fig and prunes, as well as notes of bitter chocolate, olives and mint.
11. J : It's nth wrong with the blueberry pie, people make other choices.
12. Blueberry and Bilberry are ranked as some of the highest antioxidant rich fruits based on their ability to scavenge oxygen free radicals in the ORAC(oxygen radical absorbance capacity) test.
13. Strawberry, blueberry, raspberry and cranberry,[] 4 different berries and yellow pears are fully topped on a torte and it looks gorgeous.
14. Which one would you like. strawberry sauce or blueberry sauce?
15. The preserved blueberry fruit has moderate content of sugar and water and is acidulous, thus ensuring the nutrient components and sell-by date of the preserve.
16. She tested whether the blueberry polyphenols played a role in adipocyte differentiation, which is the process where a relatively unspecialized cell acquires the specialized features of an adipocyte.
17. The nose shows juicy blueberry, Satsuma plum and some underlying white pepper nuances.
18. Bright, fresh fruit aromas of cherry, raspberry, and blueberry fill the glass. Youthfully exuberant with lots of sweet fruit on the palate with hints of spice and vanilla.
19. Every inn had a picturesque name — the Black Locust Inn, the Blueberry Inn.
20. Lot 16, perhaps the best of the series, has intense blackberry flavors with touches of blueberry, coffee and chocolate.
21. Or is blueberries, basically what we did was we used blueberry, sugar and, um, pectin.
22. This proprietary blend shows tremendous depth and concentration, with generous blackberry fruit and hints of chocolate and blueberry.
23. A classic Bordeaux wine from one of the best vintages in recent years. The wine displays balanced aromas of chocolate, blueberry and cedar. A wonderful wine and a great match for beef dishes.
24. Bouquet: Dark spices and tobacco intertwine with generous blackberry and blueberry fruits. Complex notes of cedar, clove and charcuterie abound, creating an impressive aromatic Shiraz offering.
25. When they analyzed DNA to determine its relationship to others, they were stunned to find that it was a hybrid of two closely related flies(, the blueberry maggot and the snowberry maggot.
26. When we got home, my mother decided to make a blueberry pie.
27. Full-bodied fragrance, it sends elegant enthusiastic red currant and blueberry aromas, with chocolate, mocha and cedar flavor.
28. The cuttage breeding for the hardwood and greenwood of American rabbiteye blueberry were taken in different media after the treatment in different plant growth regulator and concentration.
29. A classic Bordeaux wine from one of the best vintages in recent year. The wine Displays balanced aroma of chocolate, blueberry and cedar. A wonderful wine that will match beef dishes.
30. There are pancakes for breakfast, thick but light as sponge and slathered with butter and hot blueberry sauce - eggs too, and herby sausages.
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