Synonym: candid, direct, dull, frank, outspoken, straightforward, acute, keen, sharp. Similar words: blunder, volunteer, voluntary, blue, bluff, lung, clung, flunk. Meaning: [blʌnt] v. 1. make less intense 2. make numb or insensitive 3. make dull or blunt 4. make less sharp 5. make less lively, intense, or vigorous; impair in vigor, force, activity, or sensation. adj. 1. having a broad or rounded end 2. used of a knife or other blade; not sharp 3. characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion 4. devoid of any qualifications or disguise or adornment.
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91. The Result: This shorter, blunt cut gives the appearance of thick, healthy hair.
92. It was while they were finishing their belated tea that Mrs Blunt arrived.
93. Tranquilizers tend to blunt their responses and slow their adaptation to the problem.
94. To blunt the increasing criticism of the new rates, the four council members quickly abandoned their support for the lift charges.
95. One woman has brought the blunt ended equivalent of a shooting stick, which turns out not to be needed.
96. Arad said the squads shot the adults to death and used blunt objects to smash the heads of children.
97. You don't have to be madly blunt in a political sense.
98. His poems can be awkward and blunt but you feel any revision has been towards truth rather than beauty.
99. Micah Blunt and Martin Clark led the league leaders' scorers with 20 points each.
100. Andy is a street-wise ex-cop, with a blunt, no-nonsense approach that is offensive to some but appreciated by many.
101. Atalanta tries to blunt the censorious attitude, telling of her sacrifice,( that she has given up so much.
102. These lads were the blunt end of a much nastier problem.
103. Wyllie will arrive early in the New Year. Blunt instrument hits Oslo.
104. All the injuries were consistent with an enraged and merciless attack with a blunt instrument.
105. However, bow shocks become wrapped around blunt obstacles and become much weaker the further away they are from the obstacle head.
106. Run the blunt end of the bone folder along the groove that forms the hinge.
107. I have a tin-opener that cuts off the whole top of the tin under the rim and leaves a blunt edge.
108. Factitious what is occasionally is affection respect late blunt?
109. He had a peremptory blunt butting even bullying manner.
110. Are they consistent with blunt force trauma?
111. On screen[], John Wayne was a blunt straight shooter.
112. Blunt trauma injury was found on the victim's head.
113. Blunt force is applied to the abdomen.
114. This is Elizabeth Blunt, BBC, West Africa.
115. Abrupt and curt in manner or speech; discourteously blunt.
116. It involves systematic yet banal design, and blunt reportage.
117. Cutting plasterboard will soon make the blade blunt.
118. Trunk and branches usually without adventitious sprouts; umbo flat or blunt.
119. Just hours after an appeal from President Obama for global action to lift economicseconomies, the famous libellant famously blunt Czech Prime Minister has replied on behalf of the EU.
120. Since then, Blunt has supported MSF by holding meet-and-greet auctions at many of his concerts.
More similar words: blunder, volunteer, voluntary, blue, bluff, lung, clung, flunk, lunar, lunge, lunch, slunk, blubber, bluster, blue-chip, plunge, a blue moon, blueberry, plunder, lunatic, subluxation, first blush, fall under, luncheon, black and blue, once in a blue moon, hunt, aunt, daunt, grunt.