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Bangle in a sentence

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Sentence count:26Posted:2017-02-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: angletangledanglebunglesinglejunglesingle outdanglingMeaning: ['bæŋgl]  n. 1. jewelry worn around the wrist for decoration 2. cheap showy jewelry or ornament on clothing. 
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1 The shell-lie bangles are actually goat's nails.
2 Cleave's wife, Lydia, arrives in a flurry of bangles and cigarette smoke.
3 A Diamond cut design further enhances this exquisite bangle.
4 The bottom color of agate bangle is white.
5 I guess you might enjoy jade bangle.
6 Rose bangle staining was positive in the castrated group.
7 Sleek, chic and sizable, this contemporary bangle watch features removable links for a custom fit.
8 With refined elegance , this classic gold bangle is imbued with a natural versatility.
9 The bangle from china old minoritys it is handworks , it is in a class by oneself it have great worth in collection and girding ...
10 Oversize watchesare a alternativea cuff or bangle[], and menswear in spiredshoes offer a quirky touch.
11 This unique bangle sparkles from all angles! The beautiful Emerald, Amethyst and Indian Pink crystals are highlighted by the warm gleam of the gold plating.
12 Then India supported Bangle , and made it got its independence from Pakistan.
13 She wore a bangle of charms on her wrist and in her ears little gold rings.
14 Bingle, bangle, bungle I'm so happy in the jungle I refuse to go.
15 Our main products are Bangle, Chain, Finger Ring, Earring and Set of Jewellery.
16 I was playing with her as usual and casting furtive glances at her six heavy gold bangles.
17 Antoinette had left it to her, plus some gold bangles and a string of pearls.
18 At the end of the summer, Margarett was so grateful she gave Mrs Ramsdell a gold bangle.
19 Firemen sifting through the ashes had heard the click of bangles.
20 She hung herself around with cheap earrings and necklaces and bangles.
21 On her last visit I'd been unable to take my eyes off her gold earrings and her bangles.
22 Who knew when she might collapse in a heap of baubles and bangles?
23 Choose from a pearl bracelet with matching face, a patterned silver bangle,( or a gilt-finished double strand bracelet.
24 The way is strewn with fallen masonry, coconuts, sacks of rice, bangles and mangled bicycles.
25 Woven threads of 14 K yellow gold create ultra light catching shine in this fantastic soft bangle.
26 When the strangled wrangler dangles the mangled spangles on the bangle jangle.
More similar words: angletangledanglebunglesinglejunglesingle outdanglinggleenigglewigglegarglegoogleneglectwrigglestrugglebanbandbankbaneEnglishstruggle forbanjourbanbannsCubanbanalbunglingseeminglyabandon
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