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Dangling in a sentence

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Sentence count:168+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-01-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: bunglingdangleglintingsomething likeEnglishangletangledangerMeaning: ['dæŋgl]  n. the act of suspending something (hanging it from above so it moves freely). 
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(1) Loose electric wires were dangling from the wall.
(2) There was a rope dangling down into a dark, bottomless hole.
(3) There was a cigarette dangling from his mouth.
(4) The receiver was dangling from the payphone.
(5) Louise always has half a dozen boys dangling abouther.
(6) He sat with his legs dangling off the bridge.
(7) I sat by the river with my feet dangling in the water.
(8) He sat on the edge with his legs dangling over the side.
(9) The old man had a cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth .
(10) I've tried dangling all sorts of offers before him/in front of him to get him to work harder at school, but nothing works.
(11) It's a big carrot he's dangling in front of Marler's nose.
(12) Next to the phone, there was a pencil dangling on a string.
(13) There are no dangling participles or misplaced modifiers.
(14) Dangling from her ears were two large gold earrings.
(15) Time has me dangling on its tenterhooks.
(16) Even a pink bath sponge dangling from a ribbon.
(17) Sounds like dangling that ole lawsuit bugaboo.
(18) Gazzer, with the keys dangling from his hand(, leading Madge away.
(19) Gait jerky, with tail often flirted, legs dangling in flight.
(20) The film opens with a shot of a climber dangling from a precipice.
(21) The boss sat on the edge of the table dangling his legs.
(22) The naughty boy sat on the edge of the fence dangling his legs.
(23) He and I were sitting out on his jetty dangling our legs in the water.
(24) Beautiful girls always seem to have many young men dangling round them.
(25) Wrap the string around four or five times, with the loose end dangling down in between.
(26) Rose rushed at Dieter and made a grab at his wrist, as if fearing to find handcuffs dangling from it.
(27) If this means raising their chair, workers may find their feet are dangling.
(28) Everywhere else was white: snow-covered trees, snow-covered mountains and my snow-covered skis dangling off the chairlift.
(29) We were sitting on the end of the pier, legs dangling over the water.
(30) Righting the stool with his foot, he pushed it under Jason's dangling toes to support some of the weight.
More similar words: bunglingdangleglintingsomething likeEnglishangletangledangerin dangerendangerdangerousendangeredout of dangersingleglisteningseeminglysingle outwittinglyhand in gloveparking lotgrudginglyunwittinglyincreasinglysurprisinglychangingclingunrelentinglyrulingcurlinginkling
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