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Italian in a sentence

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Sentence count:252+29Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: alliancecivilianbrilliantcompliancevitaldigitalcapitalmachiavellianMeaning: [ɪ'tæljən]  n. 1. a native or inhabitant of Italy 2. the Romance language spoken in Italy. adj. of or pertaining to or characteristic of Italy or its people or culture or language. 
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(151) Sandy had to tell his tale in halting Italian. Since Franco spoke no English, he had no choice in the matter.
(152) They arrived at Gatwick airport on board a plane chartered by the Italian government.
(153) German and Italian courses are held in Munich and Rome respectively.
(154) I tried to get my message across in my pidgin Italian.
(155) Cushman is director of marketing for a chain of Italian restaurants.
(156) Spanish and Italian are part of the Romance language family.
(157) Urged on by the crowd, the Italian team scored two more goals.
(158) I stayed in England a lot of weeks. When a lot of/lots of means 'many', it takes a plural verb:Lots of people like Italian food. You can also use plenty of :Plenty of stores stay open late. These phrases can also be used in questions and negative sentences.
(159) The Italian phrase can be rendered as 'I did my best'.
(160) Four people who sought refuge in the Italian embassy have left voluntarily.
(161) The School was established in 1989 by an Italian professor.
(162) Spanish and Italian are very similar and I sometimes get them muddled up .
(163) She's fluent in French and German. She also speaks a little Italian.
(164) The film seems to invite comparison with "The Italian Job".
(165) A detachment of Italian soldiers was sent to the area.
(166) The class is comprised mainly of Italian and French students.
(167) A: Do you speak German or Italian? B: I don't speak either.
(168) He speaks fluent Italian.
(169) He speaks Italian. Talk can be followed by nouns such as business or sense.
(170) I studied Italian so that I would be able to read Dante in the original.
(171) The whole Italian culture revolves around the ritual of eating.
(172) Budding linguists can tune in to the activity cassettes in French, German, Spanish and Italian.
(173) Italian is rich in broad open vowels and liquid consonants.
(174) The British and Italian police collaborated in catching the terrorists.
(175) We soon got used to using Italian currency.
(176) He knows an enormous amount about Italian paintings.
(177) My favourite Italian dish is lasagne.
(178) 'Casa' is the Italian word for 'house'.
(179) Italian neorealism breaks with film conventions of the past.
(180) Add oregano and other Italian spices to the mixture.
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