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Witchcraft in a sentence

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Sentence count:79+4 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-12-14Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: witcherySimilar words: craftaircraftswitchswitch offswitch onmary wollstonecraftdraftditchMeaning: n. the art of sorcery. 
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1. The group are known for their belief in witchcraft and magic.
2. He's interested in witchcraft and the occult.
3. She was accused of witchcraft.
4. The woman practising witchcraft claimed that she could conjure up the spirits of the dead.
5. Witchcraft is now a recognized religion in the United States.
6. This form of witchcraft is a religion of the earth.
7. Witchcraft thus disposes of the thorny problem of the existence of evil.
8. Witchcraft thus can not be easily applied to circumvent or violate customary norms of behaviour.
9. In spite of his attributes(, he believed that witchcraft was running rampant and appears to have been an anti-Semite.
10. For three hundred years the persecution of witchcraft was to continue until the advent of our modern scientific world.
11. She's dating a really weird guy who's into witchcraft and black magic.
12. People who were accused of practicing witchcraft were thrown into the lake.
13. Let us not forget, however, that witchcraft is by no means the excuse for all mistakes and misadventures.
14. Legend has it that Sarah was put to death for practising witchcraft.
15. At that time most people believed in sorcery and witchcraft.
16. After all,[] these islands have been steeped for centuries in everything from witchcraft to ancestor worship.
17. They objected to materials that expose children to feminism, witchcraft, pacifism, vegetarianism, and situational ethics.
18. Salem's tourist industry plays on its notoriety for the witchcraft trials.
19. They began to shake, for this was too close to hell-fire and witchcraft.
20. Envious village elders would instigate whispering campaigns against them, or accuse them directly of witchcraft.
21. How do these findings bear upon our earlier discussion of Zande witchcraft?
22. Boscastle itself has long been associated with smuggling and witchcraft, and today has a witchcraft museum.
23. Last May, he said, she erected an altar to witchcraft on his dresser.
24. Few anthropologists share this optimistic view and I certainly do not believe in witchcraft.
25. This type of physical abuse is limited to the more extreme forms of witchcraft and satanism.
26. This theory became the basis for the examination and torture of those suspected of witchcraft.
27. There are intimate ideological connections between women's gossip on the one hand and sorcery and witchcraft on the other.
28. From these examples it will begin to be apparent that witchcraft is invoked as a causal explanation of irregularities.
29. Bloodletting is popular among the doctors and apothecaries, but herbal medicine, witchcraft and spells are rampant in the general population.
30. I think we are dealing with a natural phenomenon here, not witchcraft.
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