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Profile in a sentence

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Sentence count:297+9 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: visibilitySimilar words: nonprofitfilethe rank and fileprofoundprofessionprofessionalof itselffilmMeaning: ['prəʊfaɪl]  n. 1. an analysis (often in graphical form) representing the extent to which something exhibits various characteristics 2. a side view representation of an object (especially a human face) 3. biographical sketch 4. degree of exposure to public notice 5. a vertical section of the Earth's crust showing the different horizons or layers. v. 1. write about 2. represent in profile, by drawing or painting. 
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1. His handsome profile was turned away from us.
2. Dani has a lovely profile.
3. The painting shows her in profile.
4. He drew her profile.
5. The newspaper publishes a profile of a leading sportsman every week.
6. Jack runs a department with a high public profile.
7. He presented his best profile to the camera.
8. We need to increase our company's profile in Asia.
9. The star has a high profile in Britain.
10. I only saw her face in profile.
11. His psychological profile is revealing.
12. He sat in profile to me.
13. The deal will certainly raise the company's international profile.
14. This picture shows the girl in profile.
15. The Queen's head appears in profile on British stamps.
16. Dr Hayward intends to raise the museum's profile .
17. The actor is photographed in profile(, smoking a cigarette.
18. Commercialisation has given many sports a higher profile.
19. In profile she is very like her mother.
20. I advised her to keep a low profile for the next few days .
21. The data will enable us to construct a profile of the firm's customers.
22. We could see the profile of a distant hill if it is very clear.
23. We first build up a detailed profile of our customers and their requirements.
24. The BBC are working on a profile of the British nuclear industry.
25. The magazine published a short profile of the new mayor.
26. The story was given a low profile in today's papers.
27. He touched off the girl's profile with a few stokes.
28. The consultant who suggested using spamming to raise the company's profile has been fired.
29. In his first years as chairman he was instrumental in raising the company's wider profile.
30. He's been in a bit of trouble recently so he's trying to keep a low profile.
More similar words: nonprofitfilethe rank and fileprofoundprofessionprofessionalof itselffilmof importancefill infill upfill outfilterfilteringfulfillingtilepilehear ofwear offtear offtoiletwhileclear offa pair ofmobilepile upfor fear ofsmile ontrailerdilemma
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