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Vase in a sentence

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Sentence count:282+36Posted:2017-02-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: vastcanvasvassalevasiveevasioncrevassepervasivepervasionMeaning: [veɪs /vɑːz]  n. an open jar of glass or porcelain used as an ornament or to hold flowers. 
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91) I saw the vase in the window of an antique shop.
92) The silver vase is embossed with a design of flowers.
93) There was a vase of flowers in the room, which was a nice touch .
94) I started moving the china ornaments but dropped a vase in the process.
95) Put that vase out of harm's way so the children can't break it.
96) I've found a vase that's an exact match of the one we already have.
97) We sat at a small table graced with a vase of fresh flowers.
98) I encased the priceless antique vase in glass to preserve it.
99) She packed the vase in tissue paper to protect it.
100) The vase was sold cheaply because of a fault in the glaze.
101) The vase is a stunning museum piece from the 18th century.
102) The vase was now in pieces on the kitchen floor.
103) The shop assistant wrapped the vase carefully in tissue paper.
104) The vase is in excellent condition except for a few small flaws in its base.
105) He doctored the chipped vase with a little plastic cement.
106) He showed us his latest opus, a rather awful painting of a vase of flowers.
107) Put the vase out of harm's way so the children can't break it.
108) I've found a vase that is an exact match of the one I broke.
109) She fell while reaching down a vase from the top shelf.
110) Closer inspection of the vase revealed it to be a fake.
111) The vase she gave me occupies the place of honor in my living room.
112) He picked up the broken vase without a word of reproof to his son.
113) This vase wasn't wiped out properly before it was put away.
114) Bits of the broken vase got trodden into the carpet.
115) She turned the vase over to look for the price.
116) She stared at the empty cabinet where once the vase had reposed.
117) I saw the vase in the window of a shop.
117) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
118) The archaeologist reconstructed the broken ancient vase from its fragments.
119) She put the vase of flowers on the window ledge.
120) I glued the vase back together.
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