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Vase in a sentence

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Sentence count:282+36Posted:2017-02-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: vastcanvasvassalevasiveevasioncrevassepervasivepervasionMeaning: [veɪs /vɑːz]  n. an open jar of glass or porcelain used as an ornament or to hold flowers. 
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121) Is the vase a genuine antique or a fake?
122) The vase is characteristic of 16th century Chinese art.
123) There was a single rose in a silver vase.
124) Twigs in a vase on the lacquer table.
125) Charleston photo album; notebook; yellow glass vase.
126) Josie ducked and the vase smashed against the wall.
127) I lifted the vase between my thumb and forefinger.
128) The vase painting shows Ajax and Achilles getting ready for their equivalent of k2 paddling during a lull in the Trojan War.
129) Both pictures depict a glass vase set on a stone plinth with variegated tulips, daffodils, irises and other flowers.
130) The sight of a twig she had picked bursting into bud in a vase was enough to send her in raptures.
131) The vase fell and smashed into a million tiny pieces.
132) Browning went into the garden and picked a rose and put it in a little glass vase.
133) There are some markings on the bottom of the vase.
134) The rector leant against the dresser and watched her as she fetched a vase and arranged the freesias.
135) Look at the beautiful delicate patterning around the base of the vase.
136) The trees lean at odd angles(, like flowers in a vase.
137) The Northampton amphora, the best vase in the sale, made a record price of £190,000.
138) He removed the vase and put it on the occasional table next to the wedding photograph.
139) The final chapter of the vase makers' story is shrouded in mystery.
140) In the hall was a magnificent vase, which was a gift from a Japanese businessman.
141) It was warm and there were flowers in a little silver vase with candles lit for them.
142) She stood near a great vase of dried grasses and leaves and her dress was something flowery.
143) Flowers in water, in a glass vase on top of that, would make money hard to get to.
144) Jody stands as if her spine were fused, as if she were for ever balancing a large porcelain vase on her head.
145) She walked to the desk and put down the vase and by the time she had done this Gabriel was gone.
146) I bought a round, heavy-rimmed clear glass vase, which looked good on the heavy round glass.
147) The Waterford vase had gone - she had missed her opportunity.
147) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
148) A small heavy porcelain vase on a side table caught his eye.
149) The correct item was the one following either a photo frame, a vase or a window.
150) Flailing his arms, Sam nearly knocked the vase to the floor.
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