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Validation in a sentence

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Sentence count:269Posted:2017-03-22Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: validateconsolidationinvalidatetrepidationdilapidationintimidationnationalizationvalidMeaning: [‚vælɪ'deɪʃn]  n. 1. the act of validating; finding or testing the truth of something 2. the cognitive process of establishing a valid proof. 
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61. The stability and accuracy of predicted outputs were tested by the leave - one - out cross validation.
62. Validation of the force and frequency characteristics of the activator adjusting instrument: effectiveness as a mechanical impedance measurement tool.
63. During validation, the firm should document that testing the uncleaned equipment gives a not acceptable result for the indirect test.
64. These differences include name resolution, type-ahead addressing, and name validation.
65. The output should include information to enable verification and validation to planned requirements.
66. Battelle and its subcontractors will perform logistics verification and validation in the form of initial, in-progress, and final inspections on thousands of pieces of Army equipment per year.
67. Client side validation:- One of the short comings in VAB is that it does only server side validations.
68. Design validation test, electrical safety test, calibration test and maintain electronic equipments.
69. Validation of usability and creativeness of the model using numeric simulate technology.
70. Writing user input validation is pedantic and error - prone but very necessary.
71. With data validation, you can be assured that there are no invalid data inside your spreadsheet.
72. The disadvantage of it is lacking a formal semantics and difficult to apply, directly, mathematical techniques on UML models for system validation.
73. But there may be times when a database or application person wants to check a given XML document or documents for well-formedness or validation prior to inserting into DB2.
74. The same rules of directory and field scoping for name resolution also apply to name validation.
75. However,( the primary way to improve validation controls is to provide rich feedback to users.
76. You cannot apply data validation to cells in a PivotTable report.
77. Prepare and standardize the validation procedures and documents for equipment and system.
78. Entity set access control and validation is enabled through query operations by using query composition.
79. Because these are trusted system classes, the bootstrap loader skips much of the validation that gets done for normal (untrusted) classes.
80. Fill in the information committee reserve the right of verification and validation.
81. Digital certificate status validation system is a necessary part of PKI, which is used to provide certificate revocation information for certificate relier in PKI applications.
82. For more information about DDX, see Dialog Data Exchange and Validation.
83. As the validation of these factors is of significance for disclosing mechanisms of globin gene switching, we hope that our work could contribute to this target.
84. WebSphere Transformation Extender is a universal data transformation and validation engine enabling integration with a codeless, graphical approach to development.
85. With the control you can enumerate the properties of received emails for validation or data retrieval.
86. We'll start with an introduction to conversion and validation procedures as they apply to the JSF lifecycle, then demonstrate a default conversion and validation procedure in a simple JSF application.
87. In most part, a valid state is controlled by the validation in our code.
88. Object : To investigate the validation method of formaldehyde suffocating sterilization in sterile formulation production environment.
89. In order to solve the fracture defect when drawing a certain type protection wall plate iron, a pre-evaluation and test validation method for the minimum drawing coefficient has been proposed.
90. Design and development validation shall be performed in accordance with planned arrangements.
More similar words: validateconsolidationinvalidatetrepidationdilapidationintimidationnationalizationvalidpredationemendationfoundationevaluationinvaliddegradationcommendationsolidificationaccommodationvalidityrecommendationfoundation stonealienationretaliationrationalizenationalismrationalismnationalizerealizationnationalitynationalistdesalination
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