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Unspecified in a sentence

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Sentence count:79+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-01-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: specifiedspecificspecificallyspecifyunsatisfiedratifiedhorrifiedqualifiedMeaning: adj. not stated explicitly or in detail. 
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1. The government said an unspecified number of bandits were killed.
2. He was arrested on unspecified charges.
3. The court awarded her an unspecified amount of money.
4. The story takes place at an unspecified date.
5. The meeting will take place at an unspecified date in the future.
6. The suit also seeks unspecified monetary damages.
7. The story takes place at an unspecified date but clearly in the years immediately before the First World War.
7. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
8. The terrorists were given an unspecified amount of money to free the hostages.
9. The company is expected to incur an unspecified restructuring charge during the next fiscal year, which will begin Feb. 1.
10. Freeman's received an offer of as-yet unspecified help from Rep.
11. He proposes unspecified tariffs on imports from Third-World nations that depend on cheap labor.
12. If found guilty, both executives could face unspecified penalties and other sanctions.
13. Avitus of Vienne associated the campaign with unspecified matters of finance.
14. Each company seeks unspecified damages and injunctions that would stop the other from using its patents.
15. This new power to presume guilt of unspecified offences was advertised as a unique response to the unique evil of drug trafficking.
16. The new president will receive an unspecified allowance for business and entertainment expenses, as well as 22 days vacation.
17. Herein lies the danger: that power will lurk, unspecified and unaccountable, in the shadows of compromise.
18. Or are public subsidies being given to support unspecified claims about cultural maintenance, diversity[], and development?
19. They have agreed to postpone repayment of the loan to a future unspecified date.
20. The gunman then took a hostage and demanded a plane and safe passage to an unspecified destination.
21. The election is scheduled to take place at an unspecified date in the autumn.
22. This continent bore a very advanced civilization, but was devoured by the ocean in some unspecified catastrophe.
23. Trading estates have been laid out, factories built and resources in unspecified ways recirculated as investment for related development.
24. While attempting to recoup some of its losses, Codelco is seeking unspecified damages from the defendants.
25. The suit asks for reimbursement of the $ 137. 6 million in losses plus restitution of fees and unspecified damages.
26. He reportedly warned of a bomb placed at an unspecified Boots store in Liverpool.
27. Finally the company is promising transaction processing software at a future, unspecified date.
28. He also proposed an electoral law, details of which remained unspecified.
29. The trio seeks $ 25 million in damages, plus unspecified punitive damages.
30. The lawsuit, filed Tuesday in state court in Houston, seeks unspecified damages.
More similar words: specifiedspecificspecificallyspecifyunsatisfiedratifiedhorrifiedqualifiedmystifiedcertifiedjustifiedterrifiedgratifiedclassifiedinspectorinspectionspeciesspecialspeciousspecimenespeciallyspecialtyspecializespecialistsatisfieddissatisfiedaspectrespectsuspectspecter
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