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Specified in a sentence

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Sentence count:190+9 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-12-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: specificspecificallyspecifyratifiedhorrifiedgratifiedjustifiedclassifiedMeaning: ['spesɪfaɪ]  adj. clearly and explicitly stated. 
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1. They specified a spacious entrance hall.
2. He specified the reasons for the delay.
3. The fund was specified to maintain the ancient buildings.
4. If the input data specified it, the file will close and the process terminates.
5. Payments will be made for a specified number of months.
6. Forms must be returned by the specified date.
7. The architect specified oak for the wood trim.
8. Each computer is uniquely specified by its serial number.
9. All these details are specified in the licence.
10. It is generated by some specified means.
11. Patients eat together at a specified time.
12. Are all the details correctly specified?
13. The limits are specified in the regulations.
14. She specified that she be given her son.
15. The details were specified on Page 35.
16. The loan must be repaid within a specified period/by a specified date.
17. He has not specified what action he would like them to take.
18. Unless otherwise specified, all fields have a maximum length of 20 characters.
19. The contract also specified a low dam.
20. Should I have specified round rattan throughout the raft?
21. Slightly increased maxima for compensatory allowances are specified. 6.
22. You have not specified the batch queue correctly.
23. Above three stones the number was not specified because this had no proven value.
24. Tickets must be bought seven days in advance, with outward and return journey dates specified.
25. For a monthly flat fee, paid by the consumer or employer, HMOs provide a specified list of medical services both in and outside the hospital.
26. Referring to my conversation with you today,[] I now enclose an order sheet for hosiery as specified.
27. Payment of interest is made to the debenture holder at a specified rate and at clearly defined intervals.
28. Tree cutting organizations or private individuals shall, in accordance with the area, number of trees, tree species and period of time specified in the cutting license, finish the reforestation task; the area and number of trees in the reforestation shall not be smaller than those cut.
29. All research students are required to take the courses in research methods and skills which are specified by their departments.
30. In Britain, the opposition party is guaranteed control of a specified amount of time during legislative sessions.
More similar words: specificspecificallyspecifyratifiedhorrifiedgratifiedjustifiedclassifiedspecialspeciesspeciousspecimenspecialtyespeciallyspecialistspecializesatisfiedaspectrespectspectersuspectspectrumprospectspectacleinspectorspeculateintrospectspeculatorperspectiveinspection
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  • Hernando 2023-02-28 17:00:44
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  • Angelita 2023-02-24 15:34:08
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  • Leo 2023-02-24 03:20:25
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  • Gloria 2023-02-23 21:21:36
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  • Hernando 2023-02-23 16:28:49
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  • Angelita 2023-02-23 16:25:39
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  • me 2023-02-15 18:19:38
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