Similar words: gratify, identification, artificial, scientific, esterification, personification, ratio, rating. Meaning: ['rætɪfaɪd] adj. formally approved and invested with legal authority.
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1) The law was ratified by popular vote.
2) The heads of the two government ratified the treaty.
3) The treaty was ratified by all the member states.
4) Many countries have now ratified the UN convention on the rights of the child.
5) After 10 years of negotiation, the Senate ratified the strategic arms reduction treaty.
6) The requisite number of countries have now ratified the convention.
7) The Senate ratified the treaty in 1854.
8) On 28 August, he ratified the Greenwich treaties.
9) Massachusetts ratified by 187 against 168.
10) The decision still has to be ratified by the Finance and Management Services Committee.
11) The councillors ratified the decision taken earlier by the education committee.
12) We ratified the treaty in 1951 but under our constitution this gives no right of action in our domestic courts.
13) Because his ennoblement could not be ratified until the Dragon Throne was formally occupied, Alexei was not permitted to vote.
14) This treaty was ratified at Calais on 24 October 1360[], with one important modification.
15) The recommendations were expected to be ratified by a special general congress of the party on Feb. 18.
16) The news came through that the Senate had ratified the treaty.
17) Although ratified by 143 countries, including the United States, the treaty does not contain any provisions to prevent cheating.
18) It also ratified ordinances which allowed various crafts for the first time to organize their activities.
19) The treaty was declared invalid because it had not been ratified.
20) A resolution that conditions should be improved has been ratified.
21) Of the total of fourteen states now party to the Convention, half have ratified the Protocol.
22) An amendment would have to pass both the House and Senate by a two-thirds majority and then be ratified by 38 states.
23) Any appointments made by Tshisekedi would need to be ratified by the national conference.
24) The rules relating to inadmissible reservations and objections thereto can confuse the relationship even between States which have ratified a treaty.
25) Consider the following scenario: The amendment is passed and ratified by the states.
26) But the administration faces two high hurdles in efforts to get the treaty ratified.
27) I personally do not have time for delays in this operation,( and my approach has been ratified at the highest levels.
28) If both houses of Congress passed the legislation, the amendment would be ratified only after approval by 38 states.
29) It's by no means certain that it will be ratified.
30) Kharin's three-and-a-half-year contract with Chelsea is expected to be ratified within the next week, when he receives a work permit.
More similar words: gratify, identification, artificial, scientific, esterification, personification, ratio, rating, operation, operating, narrative, migration, AND operation, cooperative, separation, aberration, democratic, reparation, corporation, immigration, integration, celebration, frustration, exploration, collaboration, concentrating, concentration, confederation, consideration, generation gap.