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Twisted in a sentence

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Sentence count:226+23Posted:2017-01-22Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: twistenlistedunassistedroastedlistensisterarresteddistendMeaning: [twɪst]  adj. 1. wound or wrapped around something 2. strained or wrenched out of normal shape 3. having an intended meaning altered or misrepresented. 
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121. He grabbed me and twisted my arm behind my back.
122. The man twisted the newspaper up into a ball and threw it away.
123. She felt angry at how the journalist had twisted her words.
124. She twisted slightly in her chair to look up at him.
125. She had twisted his arm to get him to invite her.
126. She fell awkwardly when she was skiing and twisted her ankle.
127. She twisted in her chair when I called her name.
128. Susan twisted round in her seat until she could see Graham and Sabrina behind her.
129. We twisted the bed sheets into a rope and escaped by climbing down it.
130. The body was twisted, its legs at an awkward angle.
131. The car was now just a pile of twisted metal.
132. I didn't want to go but Linda twisted my arm.
133. Her face twisted up with pain as her leg lay bent beneath her.
134. His mouth twisted bitterly.
135. I twisted round in my seat to speak to her.
136. No one twisted my arm about coming to see you.
137. The dough is twisted into a rope-like strip and pelletized into small lumps.
138. John twisted his ankle badly.
139. Coincidence couldn't be so cruel, so twisted[], could it?
140. The head, still attached, was twisted to one side.
141. As he fell, he twisted his ankle.
142. Men were hosing dirt off the twisted metal.
143. Rohmer seized his wrist and with apparent ease, twisted.
144. Miss Vicki was twisted around pulling at her diaper.
145. Corridors that twisted upwards like corkscrews.
146. Rescuers were met with a chaotic scene and crews had to use cranes to pry open the twisted cars.
147. It was rather like having a heated dagger thrust into the eyeball and twisted, then caustic soda rubbed in the wound.
148. Her spine twisted; in her dreams she twisted, turning toward that clearing again, again.
149. The bison hair must be twisted into a rope for securing prisoners.
150. This prevents the rope getting twisted round the back in such a way that a downward pull rotates and dislodges the body.
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