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Traitor in a sentence

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Sentence count:121+7Posted:2017-02-06Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: betrayerblabdoubleinformerratspytattlerSimilar words: traitportraitstraitenedwait onwraitheditormonitorvisitorMeaning: ['treɪtə(r)]  n. 1. someone who betrays his country by committing treason 2. a person who says one thing and does another. 
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61. My opinion is that she was disloyal to her family and a traitor to her race.
62. His father had suffered the humiliation because of Mills' treachery and so the traitor should suffer in the same way.
63. They booed President Suleyman Demirel and called him a traitor for supporting a delay in the execution process.
64. Would a traitor to the socialist cause ever have received such a welcome at a Labour Party Conference?
65. Carry Cangue Bridge: where traitor was put on cangue.
66. They set themselves to hunt down the traitor.
67. Lope de Aguirre: I am the great traitor.
68. The traitor displayed his cloven foot before long.
69. I said,[] You are a traitor to la patria.
70. Read it. Poor traitor, spit upon and curst!
71. Who could ever foretell that Paul would turn traitor?
72. "Traitor!" she screamed. "Betrayer of England!"
73. Why try to get this traitor to admit guilt?
74. The traitor divulged secret plan to the enemy.
75. The infamous traitor was sentenced to death.
76. They are seeking to unkennel the traitor.
77. He is a traitor, a speculator!
78. Ocelot : Hold it right there, traitor.
79. Ay ! and condemned as a traitor.
80. They called him a traitor to his Afrikaner people.
81. Future generations will revile her. In America(, as a despicable traitor with no sense of honor.
82. Through this autobiographic novel, Chang has unconsciously revealed her pro-Chinese traitor ideology, namely siding with Japan, betrayal of her home country, and anti-Communism.
83. Eisenhower did not criticize McCarthy, even when the senator accused Eisenhower's good friend, and fellow World War Two hero, General George Marshall, of being a traitor.
84. Cesar has also been forsaken by his former FARC comrades who condemned him as a traitor, after he was hoodwinked by an army intelligence operation masquerading as a humanitarian mission.
85. Their attempt recapture the city was foiled by a traitor.
86. ECC- based traitor tracing scheme is constructed with an error correcting code.
87. Lk. 6:16 And Judas the brother of James, and Judas Iscariot, who became the traitor.
88. NASB: Judas the son of James , and Judas Iscariot , who became a traitor.
89. Aristotle had made no secret of his contempt for Alexander's pretense of divinity, and the king had executed Aristotle's grandnephew Callisthenes as a traitor.
90. In the case of Islam VS Salman Rushdie, the issues are clear. He is a blasphemous traitor to his religion, or is he a crusader of free speech?
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