Synonym: gravity, sedateness, solemness, staidness. Similar words: solemnly, sole, solely, finite element, unity, obsolescence, affinity, impunity. Meaning: [sə'lemnətɪ] n. 1. a trait of dignified seriousness 2. a solemn and dignified feeling.
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31, My eyes must have been a little crazy with solemnity.
32, A lack of solemnity is not necessarily a lack of seriousness.
33, Your solemnity will allow some quarter to playful fancy, I hope.
34, The hall is heavily painted with dragons and has an aura of solemnity and mystery.
35, The seneschal noted that none of the others stirred the solemnity of the challenge and, for an instant, the sanctity that had for so long loomed within the chapel seemed tainted.
36, He spoke with solemnity and his colossal misshapen nose made what he said very quaint.
37, It is hailed as " Auroral State, the first with solemnity. "
38, An atmosphere of solemnity and reverencethe Great Hall the People.
39, " said he, with great solemnity, "thou must take heed to instruction, that so, in due season, thou mayest wear in thy bosom the pearl of great price.
40, The blessing of the Parish Centre providentially falls on the 12th of December[], the day when in Mexico and in the Americas celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
41, They had one great solemnity, that of the Bema , the anniversary of Mani's death.
42, The sculpture works from CAFA reveal a taste of academic solemnity.
43, It was carried from the room in great solemnity, escorted by a Russian guard of honour.
44, After that the generals began to disperse with the solemnity and circumspect taciturnity with which people separate after a funeral.
45, Mounted on the front around the middle of a long cross-shaped star, a symbol of dignity and solemnity.
46, His dress and manner were out of keeping with the solemnity of the occasion.
47, What dares the slave come hither, cover'd with an antic face, to fleer and scorn at our solemnity?
48, The True Story of Ah Q combines solemnity and popularity as a model.
49, "Pearl," said he, with great solemnity, "thou must take heed to instruction, that so, in due season, thou mayest wear in thy bosom the pearl of great price.
More similar words: solemnly, sole, solely, finite element, unity, obsolescence, affinity, impunity, community, opportunity, condemn, columnist, omnipresent, lemon, dilemma, problem, element, implement, settlement, elementary, solar, solid, solve, pole, role, whole, unit, solace, soldier, unite.