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Silent in a sentence

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Sentence count:277+24 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-10-07Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: noiselessquietsoundlessstillAntonym: noisytalkativeSimilar words: missileresilientplentylenientviolenttalentedtruculentequivalentMeaning: ['saɪlənt]  adj. 1. marked by absence of sound 2. failing to speak or communicate etc when expected to 3. indicated by necessary connotation though not expressed directly 4. not made to sound 5. having a frequency below or above the range of human audibility 6. unable to speak because of hereditary deafness. 
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1. Beware of a silent dog and still water. 
2. Where drums beat, laws are silent
3. Light troubles speak; great troubles keep silent
4. Wise men are silent; fools talk. 
5. Light troubles speak; great troubles are silent
6. Tears are the silent language of grief. 
7. Silent men, like still waters, are deep and dangerous. 
8. See, listen, and be silent, and you will live in peace. 
9. Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is a apeaking picture. 
10. A silent tongue and true heart are the most admirable things on earth. 
11. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool that to speak and remove all doubt. 
12. As the curtain rose, the audience fell silent.
13. She kept silent, forcing Buchanan to continue.
14. He gave me the silent treatment .
15. You'd better be silent about what happened.
16. The boys looked at the conjuror in silent wonder.
17. The children went out,[sentencedict .com] and the room was silent.
18. The three men remained silent.
19. Her voice quavered and she fell silent.
20. The engine is almost silent at low revs.
21. They stood in silent homage round her grave.
22. He gritted his teeth in silent fury.
23. They huddled together in silent groups.
24. The crowd fell silent as she began to speak.
25. Silent and pale(, she clutched her mother's hand.
26. A silent movie doesn't mean it is motionless.
27. The children watched the conjuror in silent wonder.
28. You seem very silent today; what's the matter?
29. They were silent for a while.
30. There is a time to speak and a time to be silent
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