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Sickness in a sentence

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Sentence count:174+15Posted:2017-02-07Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: healthSimilar words: homesicknessdarknessnicknamesicktactlessnesssickensadnessmadnessMeaning: ['sɪknɪs]  n. 1. impairment of normal physiological function affecting part or all of an organism 2. defectiveness or unsoundness 3. the state that precedes vomiting. 
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(151) He fought against the prior violence of hunger, sickness, subjugation.
(152) In India we only read about death, sickness, terrorism, crime. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam 
(153) In both cases your gross pay will be as normal, unless you have exhausted the full sickness allowance.
(154) He is almost certain to offend again if not caught, because paedophilia is a sickness.
(155) The vital clue to an individual's sickness may come through any of the senses, so use them all.
(156) Last summer altitude sickness ruined one Sierra trip of mine and half-ruined another.
(157) You can also insure your payments in case you're unable to work due to sickness, accident or redundancy.
(158) Conclusion - Large grade differences in sickness absence parallel socioeconomic differences in morbidity and mortality found in other studies.
(159) Occasionally we all suffer from influenza or a bout of sickness,[] which naturally results in a drop in weight.
(160) Some items of expenditure like supplementary benefit or sickness benefit are demand-led commitments.
(161) Here sin and sickness move from the abstract to the concrete.
(162) From April 1983, the first eight weeks of sickness benefit were to be met by the employer.
(163) HepA can cause sickness, diarrhoea, jaundice and, in the worst case, liver failure.
(164) And, you can usually arrange sickness or redundancy benefit to cover your monthly repayments,[] for a small premium each month.
(165) Each may provide assistance in times of infirmity or sickness or in the provision of baby-sitting or other services.
(166) Thalidomide, the drug prescribed in the Fifties for morning sickness, is the most infamous example.
(167) No mere morning sickness this, but gripping, round-the-clock, horrible nausea.
(168) Results - A strong inverse relation between grade of employment and sickness absence was evident.
(169) One estimate puts the cost in terms of sickness absence alone at over £700 million a year.
(170) People began to complain about feelings of sickness, vomiting, diarrhoea and headaches.
(171) Many were orphaned by the disaster, others still suffer radiation sickness.
(172) Sickness deprived me of the pleasure of meeting you.
(173) Sunshine, fresh air, and rest often accelerate a person's recovery from sickness.
(174) The contributions employees pay give cover against sickness, including chronic invalidity.
More similar words: homesicknessdarknessnicknamesicktactlessnesssickensadnessmadnessshynessfitnessharnesswitnessfinessekindnessbusinessawarenesswellnesseagernessdizzinesssurlinessaloofnessgreatnesstoughnessobtusenessbrashnessgentlenesswildernessstinginesson businessinessential
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