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Sickness in a sentence

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Sentence count:174+15Posted:2017-02-07Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: healthSimilar words: homesicknessdarknessnicknamesicktactlessnesssickensadnessmadnessMeaning: ['sɪknɪs]  n. 1. impairment of normal physiological function affecting part or all of an organism 2. defectiveness or unsoundness 3. the state that precedes vomiting. 
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(121) Also, there's a great deal of sickness for which we need medicines.
(122) Alternatively, risk factors at the group level, such as attitudes about acceptable levels of sickness absence, may be important.
(123) She had a demonic nature, cursing all her subjects to dreadful sickness and painful deaths.
(124) We are investigating the possibility that motion sickness may be a factor in the unpleasantness of transportation.
(125) Jones, 20[], suffered sickness and diarrhoea and didn't eat for five days.
(126) It was decided that state sickness benefit was to be taxed by its abolition!
(127) There is a wide range of accident, sickness and unemployment packages available from lenders, covering both secured and unsecured loans.
(128) Let us turn now to the relationship between the chronic sickness and mortality rates.
(129) At first I thought it was some ague but it proved to the Sweating Sickness.
(130) We found striking gradients in both short and long spells of sickness absence, with higher rates among employees with lower status.
(131) Most measures of morbidity which assess functional impairment, of which sickness absence is one, are influenced by factors other than health.
(132) Perhaps self-reports of sickness should be substituted for death rates in the RAWP formula.
(133) They were able to read without the usual motion sickness they frequently get riding in a car.
(134) Theroux had a deep gash on his face, neckache, altitude sickness and a damaged wrist.
(135) For decompression sickness, your dive history is available in graphic detail for hyperbaric specialists to consult.
(136) Insured workers who are off sick are entitled to draw sickness benefit.
(137) Despite the consistency of the socioeconomic differences in sickness absence no studies have examined possible explanations for them.
(138) For women,[] there was no clear relation between alcohol consumption and sickness absence.
(139) One of the most controversial proposals was the abolition of benefit for the first two days of sickness.
(140) Sickness absence is a big problem both in terms of lost productivity and cost and in terms of employees' wellbeing.
(141) But the health and wealth of contemporary society blinds us to the decadence and moral sickness under our noses.
(142) Participants who smoked also had higher rates of short and long spells of sickness absence compared with non-smokers.
(143) Worst of all was the high incidence of epidemics, chronic sickness, and malnutrition.
(144) Allitt had written in nursing notes that Liam had suffered violent sickness and diarrhoea.
(145) Sickness of workers requires skilled process workers from other shifts to fill the gap.
(146) Consultation and investigation Having your say Employers should avoid making snap decisions in cases of sickness absence.
(147) This fund was set up during the 1880s as a means of providing sickness benefit for employees.
(148) I have sent out a memo to all staff reminding them of the procedure for sickness.
(149) These risk factors accounted for about one third of the grade differences in sickness absence.
(150) To drive out a sick individual is sometimes advantageous, because the sickness may be infectious.
More similar words: homesicknessdarknessnicknamesicktactlessnesssickensadnessmadnessshynessfitnessharnesswitnessfinessekindnessbusinessawarenesswellnesseagernessdizzinesssurlinessaloofnessgreatnesstoughnessobtusenessbrashnessgentlenesswildernessstinginesson businessinessential
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