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County in a sentence

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Sentence count:277+15 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: countryaccountcount outcount oncounterdiscountaccount foraccountingMeaning: ['kaʊntɪ]  n. 1. a region created by territorial division for the purpose of local government 2. the largest administrative district within a state. 
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1. That county is very poor.
2. Many county councils are now controlled by the Conservatives.
3. We met in Dorchester, Dorset's bustling county town.
4. He was elected MP for his native county of Merioneth.
5. Notts County Council is to cut 200 jobs in a bid to escape being rate-capped.
6. It is sad to see a county confine its activities to undignified public bickering.
7. A county usually consists of several towns and the rural areas which surround them.
8. I married above myself — rich county people.
9. He made 1(,972 runs for the county.
10. She was coopted onto the county education committee.
11. For a local bus timetable, contact Dyfed County Council.
12. These horses were judged the best in the county.
13. Trowbridge is the county town of Wiltshire .
14. He's probably the most hated man in this county.
15. She represents the county in Parliament.
16. She mixes with a very county set.
17. Our school won the county football shield this year.
17. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
18. Over 50 events are planned throughout the county.
19. Gold flowed out of the county.
20. He has been a Derby County supporter since boyhood.
21. Judge Davis upheld the county court's decision.
22. The county voted the measure down.
23. Cambridge is the county town of Cambridgeshire.
24. Today they take the field against county champions Essex.
25. The river forms the county boundary.
26. Up to five million people a year visit the county.
27. The council undertook a sample survey of primary schools in the county.
28. It was based on Faulkner's own birthplace of Oxford County.
29. May 12, 2008, a magnitude about 8.0 large earthquake has taken place in Wenchuan County at Sichuan Province,China. In spite of the big earthquake, we will not shake the resolve and even bigger rain, we poured immortal love. Without frontiers, Chinese people's love spread in the disaster.
30. Ramona spoke with warmth when she recollected the doctor who used to be at the county hospital.
More similar words: countryaccountcount outcount oncounterdiscountaccount foraccountingon account ofcounterpartaccountabilitytake into accountdeveloping countriesmountamount tocouncilcounselorcounselinground and rounduncertaintysovereigntyaunthuntuntilhunterhuntingcoupcourtjauntilycouch
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