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Serenely in a sentence

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Sentence count:36+2Posted:2017-05-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: sereneserenityserengetihouse rentserendipityserendipitousrenewable resourcelonelyMeaning: adv. in a peacefully serene manner. 
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31 She practised at the slaughterhouse, serenely confident, as she would tell preachy Americans later, that these bulls would otherwise die by the hammer, an "unsporting" end.
32 The procession passes serenely, like a cortege entering the cemetery gates.
33 The early sun shone serenely on embrowned groves and still green fields.
34 I also learned that people can act very serenely in a crisis.
35 To earthbound astronomy enthusiasts, Saturn was the serenely beautiful and mysterious counterpart to the overtly violent Jupiter, floating in a distant, frigid realm.
36 Equipoise: the ability to serenely monitor the movements of one's own mind and correct for biases and shortcomings.
More similar words: sereneserenityserengetihouse rentserendipityserendipitousrenewable resourcelonelyroutinelygenuinelyrenewrenegemerelyassertivelygangrenefreneticsorenessneopreneawarenessrenegaderenewableseverelysincerelyadherentinherentcoherentausterelyperennialreverentcoherence
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