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Serenely in a sentence

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Sentence count:36+2 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-05-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: sereneserenityserengetihouse rentserendipityserendipitousrenewable resourcelonelyMeaning: adv. in a peacefully serene manner. 
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1 She sauntered onto the set, looking serenely confident.
2 Five cows graze serenely around a massive oak.
3 He seemed serenely unaware that anything had gone wrong.
4 The boat sailed serenely on towards the horizon.
5 We sailed serenely down the river.
6 She smiled serenely and said nothing.
7 For him to serenely offer her a lift?
8 The object of his thrusts looks serenely bored, continuing to root around in the mud for food handouts.
9 We, on the other hand, picture a serenely content woman with a baby in her arms.
10 Some pilots stood serenely, studying their cigarette smoke; but then Peacock saw their white knuckles.
11 His designs live on today, looking as serenely inevitable as they did decades ago, the art of a great artist.
12 Goddesses giving birth while sitting serenely on thrones flanked by lions; temples shaped like an idealized outline of a woman.
13 She slipped past her father and melted serenely into the dim interior.
14 The screens of our word-machines glow as serenely as illuminated manuscripts.
15 They presumed that Jaq was honing his soul serenely in expectation of sacrifice.
16 As against the classical, the serenely beautiful, Nietzsche was opting for the archaic.
17 Among them, candles burned serenely like altar fires.
18 His thoughts floated then serenely in the empyrean.
19 She carried on serenely sipping her gin and tonic.
20 It was a serenely beautiful night.
21 Where thoughts serenely sweet express.
22 And I kept waiting serenely for Jesus, waiting[], waiting - but he didn't come.
23 Mr. Quilp was serenely gazing at the stars, quite absorbed in celestial contemplation.
24 Teacher sits serenely, in hand's teacup is braving the steam.
25 Where thoughts serenely sweet express How pure,( how dear their dwelling place.
26 The procession serenely, like a cortege entering the cemetery gates.
27 A stately liner can sail serenely through turmoil that would capsize even the sturdiest small vessel.
28 The Grand Palace dominates the city, with its gleaming spires piercing the skyline and its Buddha statues gazing serenely into space.
29 When he was dying in the factory hospital among strange people, he smiled serenely.
30 I had the feeling that he was waiting, too -- serenely patient.
More similar words: sereneserenityserengetihouse rentserendipityserendipitousrenewable resourcelonelyroutinelygenuinelyrenewrenegemerelyassertivelygangrenefreneticsorenessneopreneawarenessrenegaderenewableseverelysincerelyadherentinherentcoherentausterelyperennialreverentcoherence
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