Synonym: opinion, persuasion, thought, view. Similar words: mention, essentially, experiment, experimental, not to mention, entertainment, on time, in time. Meaning: ['sentɪmənt]
n. 1. tender, romantic, or nostalgic feeling or emotion 2. a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty.
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31. Sentiment and nostalgia are for pleasant memories.
32. They could have done without De Gaulle's sentiment.
33. Love is not an honorable sentiment. Colette ![](/images/enter.jpg)
34. Anti-American sentiment remains high in the region.
35. There are moments of glutinous sentiment.
36. He could afford his lofty sentiment.
37. This was a sentiment roundly endorsed by all present.
38. Why the sudden shift in sentiment?
39. Last and most impalpable of all is public sentiment.
40. A massive change of public sentiment is always overdetermined.
41. There is too much sentiment and emotion about redundancy.
42. The record price caused a revolution in market sentiment.
43. I agreed with his sentiment, of course.
44. Sentiment without action is the ruin of the soul. Edward Abbey ![](/images/enter.jpg)
45. It is imperative that courts decide cases based solely on the evidence and never on public sentiment, however strong.
46. But, initially at least, it seemed to express the right kinds of sentiment.
47. The general sentiment among lawyers is that the Commission is likely to favour plea bargaining if sufficient safeguards can be built in.
48. The more data which can be made public, the less likely there will be a dramatic turn in sentiment.
49. Congress has ever been niggardly when little or no evidence of electoral sentiment is presented to justify more generous appropriations.
50. Elsewhere, aside from a last-minute rush of bed and breakfast deals, genuine trading was quiet and sentiment was dank.
51. Family sentiment linked to a particular place is not a modern phenomenon.
52. They will report back the general sentiment on sales tax, gross receipts tax, business transaction tax.
53. According to Western reports, officials in Xinjiang had acknowledged the impact of rising nationalist sentiment across the border in the Soviet Union.
54. Talk of lower interest rates in the New Year provided the main boost to sentiment.
55. The fascinating feature of the survey is the marked change of sentiment towards methods of buying life cover in the last year.
56. Sentiment and superiority had helped Paul Wylie win a surprising silver at the 1992 Olympics.
57. Four months later, Cornish echoed the sentiment in a letter to Stewart.
58. The East Fulham by-election in October 1933 proved a significant pointer to the strength of pacifist sentiment.
59. Thefilm's conclusion-in which death, laughter, sentiment and subversion combine-is probably unique in cinema.
60. Particularist sentiment was inseparable from aristocratic privilege; local liberties and personal liberties were part and parcel of the same system.
More similar words: mention, essentially, experiment, experimental, not to mention, entertainment, on time, in time, meantime, commencement, amendment, from time to time, consent, sentence, entity, at present, represent, entitle, comment, moment, mentor, enticing, identity, identify, incentive, parenting, entirely, for the present, omnipresent, segment.