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Restaurant in a sentence

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Sentence count:272+63Posted:2017-02-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: eating houseeating placeSimilar words: forestallresistantprotestantreforestationdeforestationdecongestantauraprotestant reformationMeaning: ['restərənt ,-r]  n. a building where people go to eat. 
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241. Hello. Is this the Lien An Restaurant?
242. Our restaurant specializes in roasted suckling pig.
243. A I really like the Mongolian Hotpot restaurant.
244. Hello, is there Jade Hot Pot Restaurant?
245. There's a kosher restaurant on 21 st street.
246. This restaurant is just a front for money laundering.
247. Well, there's a very good restaurant in the Kunlun Hotel.
248. Above: The little sushi bar is the soul of this restaurant.
249. There's a new Italian restaurant in Madison Street. Do you fancy going to eat there?
250. Ms. By the way,[] do you have a restaurant serving Indonesian food?
251. Panxi restaurant has a strong horticulture characteristic of the south gardens.
252. It's ox tendon with prawn eggs. It's specialty of restaurant.
253. Though most customers at Marrakesh do eat with their hands, the restaurant also provides silverware.
254. A Model in the restaurant at housetop. An English teacher in the toilet.
255. There is a very good restaurant in the Kunlun Hotel.
256. Special lamb chop,( buns and fried mashed cod fish from Pinocchio Portugese Restaurant.
257. Many restaurant put out picture of their kickshaw to attract customer.
258. The last dinner in our trip at E . Lansing in this interesting and lovely Mexican restaurant.
259. A Chinese restaurant in To Kwa Wan closed , leaving more than 50 workers jobless.
260. To wait for takeout at the restaurant when delivery is available for a small tip?
261. Lisa: But there is a vending machine at the hot pot restaurant.
262. A Well, I know a nice restaurant. A Mongolian hotpot restaurant.
263. Land development, real estate exploitation and management, restaurant and service, entertainment, distilled water produce and sell.
264. He will have to mange this little restaurant all by himself.
265. British tabloids reported that supermodel, Naomi Campbell , recently made a scene at a London restaurant.
266. Yesterday, in the restaurant , Lorraine had seemed trite , blurred, worn away.
267. At one o'clock he thought of eating, and went to a restaurant in Madison Square.
268. New Shanghai Restaurant with elegant interior decoration reopened yesterday. Its interior design is very elegant.
269. Well, there's a very good restaurant in the Kunlun Hotel. It'specializes in Shanghai food.
270. A club function will be hold in the main restaurant.
More similar words: forestallresistantprotestantreforestationdeforestationdecongestantauraprotestant reformationstaunchenduranceinsuranceassurancegrantresterranttyrantcrestforestwresttransfigurationsiestaestatevagrantignoranthydrantgrantedvibrantwarrantfranticarrest
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