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Restaurant in a sentence

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Sentence count:272+63Posted:2017-02-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: eating houseeating placeSimilar words: forestallresistantprotestantreforestationdeforestationdecongestantauraprotestant reformationMeaning: ['restərənt ,-r]  n. a building where people go to eat. 
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211. Let's make a foursome and go out to a restaurant.
212. He waxed lyrical on the food at the new restaurant.
213. You seemed a bit hesitant about recommending that restaurant - is something wrong with it?
214. Have you been to the restaurant that's just opened in town?
215. The waitress brings over some congratulatory glasses of champagne, courtesy of the restaurant.
216. We usually dine at a nice little restaurant in town when we have visitors.
217. Go anywhere in the world and you'll find some sort of hamburger restaurant.
218. First prize in the competition will be a meal at the restaurant of your choice.
219. What a restaurant - the food was out of this world!
220. He took her out for a five-course dinner in a fancy restaurant.
221. Harry took me to a fancy restaurant for our anniversary.
222. They serve a mean Sunday brunch at the restaurant on Fourth Street.
223. We went for a nosh-up at that new restaurant in town.
224. Our favourite restaurant was full so we had to go elsewhere.
225. Taking my son Peter to a restaurant was a nightmare.
226. Chefs at the St James Court restaurant have cooked for the Queen.
227. Some may enjoy the liveliness of such a restaurant for a few hours a day or week.
228. I know a wonderful restaurant where we can have lunch next week.
229. British restaurant food is better by miles/miles better than it used to be 20 years ago.
230. It was very, very good[], far better than vegetarian offerings in many a posh restaurant.
231. This restaurant has cornered the Madrid market for specialist paellas.
232. Occasionally they will take Stephen to some restaurant in Chinatown.
233. They had a real ding-dong in the middle of the restaurant.
234. This restaurant has definitely gone downhill since I last came here.
235. The restaurant was no more than a glorified fast-food cafe.
236. The restaurant is deservedly popular.
237. Nobody goes to that restaurant anymore because it's too crowded. Yogi Berra 
238. I cannot be an ordinary man, move around like people do, go out eat in a restaurant or take a walk. Perhaps, this is what I have lost. Rajinikanth 
239. The best fame is a writer's fame. It's enough to get a table at a good restaurant, but not enough to get you interrupted when you eat. Fran Lebowitz 
240. There's a Kosher restaurant on 21 st street.
More similar words: forestallresistantprotestantreforestationdeforestationdecongestantauraprotestant reformationstaunchenduranceinsuranceassurancegrantresterranttyrantcrestforestwresttransfigurationsiestaestatevagrantignoranthydrantgrantedvibrantwarrantfranticarrest
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