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Raincoat in a sentence

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Sentence count:104+4Posted:2017-02-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: waterproofSimilar words: petticoatrainbrainrainygraindraintrainstrainMeaning: n. a water-resistant coat. 
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61. She wore a long raincoat which drooped from her thin shoulders and she carried a small overnight bag.
62. Here he is in the bathroom, wearing his grimy raincoat with the turned-up collar.
63. He said later that Mr Roberts just called me that because I was wearing my green school raincoat.
64. She put on a black raincoat and snuck around outside her building one night.
65. Florence re-emerged holding a plastic raincoat over herself and the baby, and got into the back seat.
66. Otherwise, a dark suit, clerical collar, dark hat, raincoat, and they can give me a Military Cross.
67. You can't go out without a raincoat. It's teeming.
67. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
68. The coir raincoat, however, still sleeps deeply in classicality.
69. She belted ( up ) her raincoat.
70. He belted up his raincoat.
71. What is this coir raincoat made of?
72. Put the raincoat on the balustrade to drain.
73. You must put on a raincoat; pelting down now.
74. She pinned the poppy to his raincoat.
75. This kind of raincoat is warm and windproof.
76. This raincoat is made of very durable material.
77. Coir raincoat of the south dances in the poetry.
78. Well, I left my raincoat in the coatroom in the Hall, followed the manager to a table, and ordered a drink.
79. Sights and sounds of spring spread across the south in March. Driving their herds forward, a corydon in coir raincoat plays the flute, sending lingering and euphemistic music to my ears.
80. Golf Personal Goods: Golf umbrella, golf raincoat, wind-coat, golf raiment, bag, golf cap, glove, golf towel, belt and so on.
81. Men in coir raincoat transplanting rice seedlings in drizzle present an article of cultivation to me.
82. Muzium Brunei Diraja collected the Raincoat of Ong Sum Ping.
83. Wearing his trilby and with a raincoat over his tracksuit, he charged across Wembley to give a bear-hug to the hero of the day, Jim Montgomery, the goalkeeper.
84. A polyester shirt or dress, nylon socks or stockings, and acrylic sweater - a raincoat of PVC ( polyvinyl chloride )?
85. Year in and year out, coir raincoat and bamboo hat keep searching by raising their heads and looking far ahead.
86. Two days ago, I was got a supernatural raincoat from an enchanter.
87. On a snowy day in the onetime capital, the coir raincoat of my hometown in the south occurred to me.
88. When he sits alone at a scarce moment, silhouette of the coir raincoat turns up clearly, staying adamantly at one corner of his mind.
89. The English call a condom a "French letter" -- the French call it a "capot Anglaise" -- an "English raincoat."
90. In a certain teahouse or bar, he sees the coir raincoat and his bamboo hat, covered with crimson dust, hang high on the column and wall painted gorgeously red or golden.
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