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Raincoat in a sentence

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Sentence count:104+4Posted:2017-02-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: waterproofSimilar words: petticoatrainbrainrainygraindraintrainstrainMeaning: n. a water-resistant coat. 
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31. I wrapped it in my raincoat and took it on the Love Field bus.
32. But nomatterhow optimistic the weather forecast, keep a raincoat handy if you intend taking a closeup.
33. Her indecision made her sweat; her armpits felt clammy under her raincoat and the palms of her hands were moist.
34. There's one single-breasted raincoat which has been in every collection for almost 20 seasons.
35. Gloria is standing there in the durably carpeted, unnaturally wide hallway, wearing a light raincoat.
36. A man in a blue poplin raincoat was standing outside the Delicatessen waving a bundle of show-biz newspapers.
37. To his surprise she was waiting in the large hall, wearing a mink-lined raincoat open at the front.
37. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
38. He was wearing an old raincoat over his usual gray suit, button-down shirt, and necktie.
39. In her left hand she held the hand of a small child dressed in a raincoat at least eight sizes too big.
40. At the end of the barn he saw a fragment of raincoat material between two bales.
41. Morenz removed the book and stuffed it inside his light raincoat, jamming it with his left arm under his armpit.
42. Victorine had on her beige raincoat, the green scarf, a woollen shawl, and her stout boots.
43. He said I should remove my raincoat and my jacket and hang them on the hangers provided.
44. Erlich took his raincoat off the back seat, the heavy Burberry that he had paid a fortune for in Rome.
45. She bunches her raincoat like a bolster to make herself more comfortable.
46. He was wearing the same long raincoat and the same scarf masked the lower half of his face.
47. She moved round the flat like a whirlwind, and in minutes she was in her light raincoat.
48. He wrapped a short raincoat around himself and ran up the front path.
49. He found Woodruffe with a tall, one-armed man in a raincoat and a bowler hat.
50. I see Ted Maitland going to football matches in his grubby belted raincoat and having grubby affairs with his students.
51. She must fetch her raincoat, just to be on the safe side.
52. Stumbling through the puddles of rain, he followed her flapping raincoat into the night.
53. She plucked the green scarf from the throat of her raincoat, spread it on top of the heap of boulders.
54. He wore a black p.v.c. raincoat which creaked as he moved.
55. He is dressed in a shabby navy blue suit and a soiled white shirt; he carries a raincoat.
56. The raincoat kept most of it off, but her hair got a soaking even under her hood.
57. But it was an expensive raincoat, because one of its buttons is a small radio transmitter.
58. His hands were trying to hide the torn pockets of his raincoat; fallen trouser-cuffs trailed over his shoes.
59. Wearing a new sports jacket and grey flannels under his open raincoat.
60. The ticket he was presented that morning by the silent man in the medium-grey gabardine raincoat was just another ticket.
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