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Coax in a sentence

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Sentence count:86+2 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-11-29Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: influencepersuadepressurepushurgeSimilar words: hoaxcoalcoachcoastcoarsecoastalcoalitioncoagulateMeaning: [kəʊks]  n. a transmission line for high-frequency signals. v. influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering. 
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1. He could coax tears and laughter from his audience.
2. Can we coax you into singing for us?
3. Perhaps you could coax your father into taking you to the station.
4. I had to coax the information out of him.
5. Try to coax him out of resigning.
6. We had to coax Alan into going to school.
7. I managed to coax some money out of Dad.
8. She had to coax the car along.
9. We watched the bear coax its cubs to enter the water.
10. Police managed to coax the man down from the ledge.
11. She never failed to coax good results out of her pupils.
12. Firefighters managed to coax the man down from the roof.
13. Jenks trying to coax Ruess' donkey, Pegasus, on to the back of a pickup truck.
14. For years, Kim Gerlich has tried to coax her parents and her husband into starting a family business.
15. When a rare disagreement arose, he tried to coax stragglers along or simply found a more acceptable phrasing.
16. Irene had had to coax her back to class after the first day.
17. The U.S. is trying to coax both sides to take part in talks.
18. It was easy to coax him into talking about pleasant things, that was part of his job.
19. Want to coax the big pharmaceuticals companies to produce that malaria drug?
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. The WPC talked yesterday of her role in trying to coax vital information from the young victim.
21. He has some information I want, so I'm going to try to coax it out of him over a drink.
22. This beauty comes from Sumatra and prefers soft acid water, which will coax out its best colouration.
23. He remembered how disgusted he had been to see Carol, red-eyed from weeping, trying to coax Eunice up to bed.
24. At Dodge City, where j stopped, cowboys sometimes spent days trying to coax their herds into the river.
25. The Brigade was designed to assist the civilian commission to coax people to surrender weapons, possibly in return for money payments.
26. At times like that do you despair, turn to drink to try and coax back the muse?
27. For one, Chilcott had kept his temper, hoping to coax his niece round to his point of view.
28. Alternet is the perfect solution for 10BaseT users who want the flexibility that thin coax provides.
29. He is at the camera when Geri tries to coax Izzy into admitting that she fancies women as well as men.
30. It was with great difficulty that they were able to coax him to drink a little milk.
More similar words: hoaxcoalcoachcoastcoarsecoastalcoalitioncoagulate
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