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Needy in a sentence

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Sentence count:154+4Posted:2017-03-08Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: destituteimpoverishedindigentnecessitouspoverty-strickenSimilar words: greedyneedneedsneedleremedytragedyneemkneeMeaning: ['nɪːdɪ]  n. needy people collectively. adj. 1. poor enough to need help from others 2. demanding or needing attention, affection, or reassurance to an excessive degree. 
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121. His father was the front-page editor of a local party newspaper and his mother worked for a social service bureau helping the needy.
122. The substantial public money spent can be better utilised for more needy purposes.
123. The wicked draw the sword and bend the bow to bring down the poor and needy, to slay those whose ways are upright.
124. They were not to forget the needy, so they were reminded to leave the gleanings (23:22).
125. A member of a military religious order founded among European crusaders in12th-century Jerusalem to care for sick and needy pilgrims.
126. He's noted that when he's felt this way in the past, he's also felt himself to be too needy, finding his neediness driving away the very people to whom he's turned for support.
127. Zakat Al Fitr: Muslims give away a certain percentage of the total value of all that they own annually and distribute it to charity and the needy. The contribution given at the end of Ramadan.
128. If so, dedicate the next issue to the topic of Zakat and Sadaqa and how they help the poor and the needy.
129. She extends a helping hand to the poor andarms to the needy.
130. Afterwards, Fujiyama has become a Ronin - a wandering samurai - he helped those poor and needy and made did good in the name of fairness, traveling between villages and towns.
131. In Joliet, about 60 miles southwest of here, the program went well beyond groceries, and benefited a local social service agency that serves the needy.
132. She had never hesitated to give her pocket money to the needy.
133. King salmon get caught in the huge pollock trawl nets, and the dead kings are counted and most are thrown back into the ocean. Some are donated to the needy.
134. Allow needy enterprise holding over five social insurance premiums as old-age pension, unemployment, health care, industrial injury and maternity insurance in a certain period.
135. This is 24 hexadecimal counter source, needy students can refer to you!
136. He deemed that it was his duty to help the needy.
137. Follow your heart but don't let your possessiveness ruin what could turn out to be a great love connection. If you are too needy you may send the wrong signals.
138. Open your mouth, judge righteously, And defend the rights of the afflicted and needy.
139. UCF is a group of volunteers who refurbish computer hardware together donation to local needy families.
140. Goals: To find satisfaction in my work and to keep myself happy. Give to the needy and help others whom are less fortunate.
141. Newsflash: The guy who asks career advice for his wife sounds way more needy and off-track than his wife does.
142. We have all encountered demanding, noncompliant, drug-seeking, angry, or needy patients in our clinical practice. These patients are sometimes referred to as a psychiatrist's worst nightmare.
143. Do not take advantage of a hired man who is poor and needy, whether he is a brother Israelite or an alien living in one of your towns.
144. My uncle carpentered a table and a few stools for his needy neighbor.
145. This group of rich people never forget to help the needy.
146. PLAYBOY : Why is nobody more needy and insecure than a drug dealer?
148. Here am I living from hand to mouth - a needy adventure.
149. Pro 31:9 Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.
150. Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.
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