Similar words: mathematical, mathematics, schematic, systematic, systematically, optician, politician, theoretician. Meaning: [‚mæθəmə'tɪʃn] n. a person skilled in mathematics.
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31. The other point of such a triangle is known as a Trojan point, or a Lagrangian point after the mathematician who discovered them.
32. Stephen Merrill, another mathematician at Marquette, recently studies bone marrow transplants in the treatment of advanced breast cancer.
33. If the life of any 20th century mathematician can be said to be a history of mathematics in his time, it is that of David Hilbert.
34. Similarly, British mathematician Alan Turing's research in the 1930s demonstrated the impossibility of accurately modeling every conceivable computer program.
35. Scottish mathematician; invented logarithms; introduced the use of the decimal point in writing numbers ( 1550 - 1617 ).
36. As a mathematician, Russell is critical of arithmetization of mathematics theory underlying the basic of mathematics. In Russell"s opinion, logic should be the foundation of mathematics."
37. A mathematician and a Wall Street broker went to races. The broker suggested to bet $10,000 on a horse.
38. His father was a professor of Shakespearian literature and his mother was a mathematician.
39. Da Vinci was a great inventor, mathematician, and also an artist.
40. One Western Conference advance scout compared Bryant favorably a mathematician.
41. Some sources say Blaise Pascal, a 17th-century French mathematician, invented it in his attempts to create a perpetual motion device.
42. The broker whispered that he knew a secret algorithm for the success, but he could not convince the mathematician.
43. The Time Period of the Greek philosopher Anaxagoras, philosopher, mathematician and teacher of Pericles.
44. American mathematician noted for his work on projective geometry and topology.
45. One of them is an economist and one of them is a logician and one of them is a mathematician.
46. In 1948, American mathematician Norbert Wiener published his monograph " CYBERNETICS or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine ", which indicated cybernetics' naissance.
47. Su Buqing is a famous Chinese mathematician, mainly engaged in differential geometry and computational geometry research.
48. French mathematician who founded number theory; contributed ( with Pascal ) to the theory of probability ( 1601 - 1665 ).
49. Isaac Newton , theoretical physicist and mathematician, was born in 1642.
50. The Pythagoras is Gu Xila's sage, philosopher and mathematician, it is the contriver of Pythagoras law , at the same time he also is the father of maigre creed of the west.
51. Barrow: English theologian, scholar, and mathematician who wrote about trigonometry, optics, and papal supremacy.
52. EXAMPLE: The famous mathematician is a brainiac who would rather work on solving complex mathematical problems than sleep at night.
53. It is easier to square the circle than to get round a mathematician.
54. Last year, actuary placed second and mathematician first , while lumberjack ranked as the worst job.
55. George Boole was an English mathematician who helped establish the field of mathematics called symbolic logic.
56. Redundancy is a core concept of the information theory developed by Claude E. Shannon, an American mathematician and communication engineer.
57. Make much mathematician, physicist, astronomer wait to be enrolled to enter Microsoft.
58. Last summer, when Apple (AAPL) was trading for $260 a share, we ran an item on some analytical work by Nicholae Mihalache, a Romanian mathematician who teaches at the University of Paris.
59. Simplex is the American mathematician GB Danzig in 1947 first put forward.
60. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is a work of chelloldren's literature by the English mathematician and author, the Reverend Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, written under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll.
More similar words: mathematical, mathematics, schematic, systematic, systematically, optician, politician, theoretician, cremation, dramatic, aromatic, dogmatic, chromatic, automatic, traumatic, rheumatic, pragmatic, enigmatic, phlegmatic, achromatic, diplomatic, grammatical, dramatically, charismatic, melodramatic, automatically, grammatically, monochromatic, anathema, math.