Similar words: mathematical, mathematics, schematic, systematic, systematically, optician, politician, theoretician. Meaning: [‚mæθəmə'tɪʃn] n. a person skilled in mathematics.
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61. A biologist, a statistician, a mathematician and a computer scientist are on a photo - safari in africa.
62. The mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot, who pioneered the application of chaos theory to financial markets, refers to this phenomenon as the "multifractal nature of trading time."
63. Edmond Halley , English astronomer and mathematician , renowned for studies of comets , was born in London.
64. Alan Turing was an English scientist, mathematician, logician, and cryptographer, and arguably the greatest British scientist of the 20th century.
65. No one can know who was the first female mathematician, but Hypatia was certainly one of the earliest.
66. Bertrand Russell ( 1872 -- 1970 ), British philosopher, mathematician, Nobel prizewinner, and political activist.
67. The mathematician is an impractical person who can't even boil an egg.
68. Euclidean geometry is a mathematical system attributed to the Greek mathematician Euclidof Alexandria.
69. The Greek mathematician, Eratosthenes, had accurately deduced that the world was approximately 25, 000 miles in diameter.
70. He was compared to Leonhard Euler (1707-83), an awesome Swiss regarded as the most prolific mathematician who ever lived.
71. French mathematician and philosopher; invented an adding machine; contributed (with Fermat) to the theory of probability (1623-1662).
71. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
72. Mathematician:3 is a prime, 5 is a prime, 7 is a prime, and by induction- every odd integer higher than2 is a prime .
73. ARCHIMEDES of Syracuse is hailed by some as the greatest mathematician of antiquity.
74. You have just read a pamphlet entitled The Starry Messenger, by a mathematician at the University of Padua named Galileo Galilei in which the author reports remarkable observations about the heavens.
75. Some people have instincts to be a pianist or a mathematician - I have an instinct for wildlife.
76. And being a mathematician, he got even his own particular point wrong, introducing the form of the law of diminishing marginal utility that would return to plague economic thought in future centuries.
77. The science of pure mathematics ... may claim to be the most original creation of the human spirit---Alfred North Whitehead, English mathematician and philosopher.
78. Economy deepens the coact that wants economist and mathematician theoretically.
79. Kong Guangsen, a descendant of Confucian of the 70th generation, was a noted scholar in the study of Confucian classics, a phonologist and a mathematician in the middle of the Qing Dynasty.
80. In 1979 the Canadian-American mathematician Robert Langlands developed an ambitious and revolutionary theory that connected two branches of mathematics called number theory and group theory.
81. Decare was a famous natural scientist and mathematician of France, and he also was one of the creative men in modem western philosophy.
82. It is a good trader, mathematician, editor and publisher. It has excellent argumentative and analytical power.
83. The mathematician , Yurchenko , was a stubby , phlegmatic , shrewd person.
84. Sudoku's story begins in 1783 when Leonhard Euler, a Swiss 11)mathematician, invented "Latin 12)Squares."
85. Philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras of the music see the mathematical problem.
86. "How could you, a mathematician, believe that extraterrestrials were sending you messages?" the visitor from Harvard asked the West Virginian with the movie-star and Olympian manner.
87. French mathematician who founded theory; contributed ( with Pascal ) to the theory of probability ( 1601 - 1665 ).
88. Mr. Henry Norn 's Russell was not only a philosopher or a mathematician, but also an educator.
89. As a logic concept, presupposition was first proposed by Germanicphilosopher G. Frege, who is also a logician and mathematician.
90. An eminent musicologist, mathematician and calendarist, who was honored to be "oriental personage of artistic encyclopedia type".
More similar words: mathematical, mathematics, schematic, systematic, systematically, optician, politician, theoretician, cremation, dramatic, aromatic, dogmatic, chromatic, automatic, traumatic, rheumatic, pragmatic, enigmatic, phlegmatic, achromatic, diplomatic, grammatical, dramatically, charismatic, melodramatic, automatically, grammatically, monochromatic, anathema, math.