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March in a sentence

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Sentence count:241+39Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: hikeparadetrampwalkAntonym: haltstopSimilar words: researcharchitectresearcherpatriarchyin search ofarchitecturea far cryporchMeaning: [mɑrtʃ /mɑːtʃ]  n. 1. the month following February and preceding April 2. the act of marching; walking with regular steps (especially in a procession of some kind) 3. a steady advance 4. a procession of people walking together 5. district consisting of the area on either side of a border or boundary of a country or an area 6. genre of music written for marching 7. a degree granted for the successful completion of advanced study of architecture. v. 1. march in a procession 2. force to march 3. walk fast, with regular or measured steps; walk with a stride 4. march in protest; take part in a demonstration 5. walk ostentatiously 6. cause to march or go at a marching pace 7. lie adjacent to another or share a boundary. 
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(91) Science is on the march.
(92) Aston Villa last led the League in March 1990.
(93) The Oscar ceremony takes place in March every year.
(94) The border was still a day's march away.
(95) The wedding will be at the beginning of March.
(96) The march jumped off at 4 a.m.
(97) Automation is on the march.
(98) The orchestra struck up a lively march.
(99) They march on the next town.
(100) The new plant comes on stream in March.
(101) The new system became operational in March.
(102) There's a meeting on March 6th.
(103) A further round of talks is expected in March.
(104) The card was postmarked Tokyo 9th March.
(105) The soldiers halted and rested from their march.
(106) Many thanks for your letter of 17 March.
(107) The municipal authorities gave the go-ahead for the march.
(108) His case comes before an industrial tribunal in March.
(109) Today's date is - let me see,( March 20th.
(110) The army began their long march to the coast.
(111) The meeting was originally scheduled for March 12th.
(112) The theatre opened in March 2001.
(113) The exhibition is open from March to November.
(114) The March wind chilled us.
(115) We launched the share issue on March 1.
(116) The museum attracted 2,000 visitors during March.
(117) The role is played by seventeen-year-old Briton Jane March.
(118) We spend most of March ploughing.
(119) The trial reopened on 6 March.
(120) The strike began in late March.
More similar words: researcharchitectresearcherpatriarchyin search ofarchitecturea far cryporchchurchpurchasemerchantcarcinomasmarkremarkmarketmark outmark offmarinemarblemarkermarginlandmarkprimarysummarygrammarnightmaremarketingsupermarketprimarilyremarkable
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  • me 2023-09-04 13:18:32
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  • una chica 2023-02-28 16:10:12
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  • Felipe 2023-02-24 14:43:54
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  • Jaun 2023-02-24 02:29:55
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  • Jose 2023-02-23 15:38:26
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  • Marcos 2023-02-23 15:35:19
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  • Marcos 2023-02-23 00:30:15
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