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Lesser in a sentence

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Sentence count:300+7Posted:2017-02-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: desserttactlessnessselflessnessassertassertedassertivepatisseriedissertationMeaning: ['lesə(r)]  adj. 1. of less size or importance 2. smaller in size or amount or value. 
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61. Through a midline abdominal incision, a cholecystectomy was performed and the lesser pancreatic duct was ligated.
62. It is a political culture in which the strong man dominates a series of lesser men through intimidation and debt.
63. Afternoon visit to Lake Bogoria which in recent years has been the home of the lesser flamingo.
64. It was not often that the High King searched me for truth as he was wont to search lesser men.
65. We lesser mortals have to be content with the Lesser Detective.
66. During the succession crisis of 1730 complaints against compulsory service were barely audible even among the lesser nobility.
67. Those who receive training are lesser than those who receive education.
68. Any lesser density makes the private appropriation of lands ineffective and the potential supply of paid labour insufficient.
69. While not particularly welcome, the black knight is considered the lesser of two evils.
70. The pub has one of those eccentrically eclectic menus that you might associate with lesser pub food.
71. They may be deployed in a variety of circumstances to greater or lesser effect.
72. Not unless you've got somebody very high in the scientific establishment with enough swing to make the lesser lights take notice.
73. Guide books customarily take a lesser role(, informing the traveller and listing things to see.
74. Lesser Black-backed Gulls nest on the cliffs periodically, as do Black Redstarts.
75. Given women's lesser upper-body strength as compared with men's, a positive evaluation of violence helps to legitimate male domination.
76. He was a brilliant lawyer, with a first-class brain, but very little tolerance of lesser intellects.
77. In their place the crown employed lesser nobles and lawyers who had no awkward pretensions to political influence.
78. His fitness and determination ensured that he survived a journey on which a lesser man could have been lost without trace.
79. He felt the other two were satisfied to play supporting roles to Gedge and to a lesser extent, himself.
80. That method is frequently used in conjunction with the schematic method of interpretation and, to a somewhat lesser extent, the literal method.
81. Rather, they affect production through their influence on labour quality and, to a lesser extent, labour quantity.
82. Lesser parties, including opposition parties, have a much lower visibility.
83. Nowadays the urinary symptoms seem to be of a lesser order.
84. Lesser butlers will abandon their professional being for the private one at the least provocation.
85. Instead, the governments in the Middle East - survive to a greater or lesser degree by simple repression.
86. Both historians proceed to a greater or lesser extent by way of discussion of great photographers.
87. Skills are being learnt,[] greater or lesser amounts of efforts are being made by individuals.
88. As is the custom at such ceremonies, we start with the lesser awards.
89. It is also worth reiterating that traditional rape laws frequently give rise to light sentences for lesser offences.
90. But real life, of course, teaches lesser men to keep their heads down and their mouths shut.
More similar words: desserttactlessnessselflessnessassertassertedassertivepatisseriedissertationlessassessvesselblesspossessfinessedressedessenceuselessunlesslessonstressedobsessedendlesswitlesshaplesscarelessin essenceprocesseddepressedessentialaddressed
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