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Launch in a sentence

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Sentence count:199+15Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: fireintroducespringstartSimilar words: laundrypunchbunchunchangeableauntlaugh atjauntilybenchMeaning: [lɔːntʃ]  n. 1. a motorboat with an open deck or a half deck 2. the act of propelling with force. v. 1. set up or found 2. propel with force 3. launch for the first time; launch on a maiden voyage 4. begin with vigor 5. get going; give impetus to 6. smoothen the surface of. 
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91. Britain is providing $ 800m towards its launch cost.
92. The decision to launch nuclear weapons must be collective.
93. North-east farmers launch beef and lamb quality assurance scheme.
94. The complaints prompted three different agencies to launch investigations.
95. They thought that he would launch a crusade against corruption and make heads roll before ordering elections.
96. By 1981 some parties were planning to launch new papers or broadcasting stations.
97. They recognize that their overall goal is to launch their child into the world, as an independent and responsible young adult.
98. I made a rough count as the launch slowed to draw alongside: fifty men, thirty women, twenty children.
99. Outside investors are apparently clamouring to have a share of the service, which is expected to launch later this year.
100. The Club plans to launch an appeal for funds this year to build an urgently needed climbing wall in the Sports Centre.
101. However, weather conditions were ideal on the day of the launch, says Cathey, who is at the launch site.
102. As you launch the program you're greeted with a friendly main menu rather than a blank screen.
103. They have arranged the launch to coincide with the start of the college term.
104. Further asset sales from breaking up ConsGold will put it in an even stronger position from which to launch further takeovers.
105. Migden turned to old-fashioned means to launch her career: starting from the bottom.
106. They coincide with the launch of a Home Office campaign to cut car crime.
107. A Forte spokesperson says the launch of the Heritage campaign is timed to coincide with the Easter break.
108. The mayor then ordered the police to launch an intensive attack upon the convention.
109. Today, huge crowds gathered to watch John and girlfriend Jill Morrell launch their new book in Oxford.
110. opened its telephone banking operation last week but has not announced a date for its online launch.
111. Floyd manager Pete Jenner left with him and they immediately went into the studio to launch his solo career.
112. In May 1916 all the main peace organizations joined together to launch a petition calling for peace by negotiation.
113. Eight other titles are anticipated at launch[], planned for this summer.
114. Eventually Hayling agreed to appear in the prospectus confirmed as chief executive until the launch.
115. But last night he signalled he is ready to launch a comeback with the reserves within the next week.
116. Hyatt Hotels has helped employees launch in-dependent businesses in party catering and sporting-equipment rental.
117. A conference to launch the notes and the training material is expected in the early autumn.
118. You may even have to launch a complete attack before you can spell out your future intentions.
119. The 60-second commercial is now being shown at cinemas following the launch of Alien 3 across the country.
120. Lowe had already calculated launch costs as at least £4 million.
More similar words: laundrypunchbunchunchangeableauntlaugh atjauntilybenchranchbranchburst out laughingfranchisein charge ofunclebounceunclearuncovercouncilfunctionannouncetruncateduncertainfunctionaland functionmalfunctionuncertaintyuncomfortablerenunciationannouncement
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