Similar words: inviolable, inviolate, availability, ability, viability, liability, inability, stability.
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1. Parliament has recognised the inviolability of the current border.
2. Helsinki was full of pious declarations about the inviolability of borders and non-interference in internal affairs.
3. Order is maintained by the inviolability of the hard core of a programme and by the positive heuristic that accompanies it.
4. It reflects the inviolability of family life that in our society helps to mask the darker side of caring and dependency.
5. This is the inviolability of Party consolidation.
6. The constitution provides for the inviolability of person and residence and the privacy of correspondence; however,( the government did not respect these provisions in practice.
7. A belief in the inviolability of Chinese sovereignty is often not just their cardinal principle, but their only one.
8. The supposed inviolability of quantum cryptography rests on a set of assumptions that do not necessarily carry over into the real world.
9. The principle at stake was the inviolability of a sovereign state, not the creation of a democracy in the aggressor country.
10. The lucid and attractive noodles permit but the capital letter wear to let the person rise to respect of noble and inviolability of dignity.
11. And it stated the Security Council's intention "to take as appropriate all necessary measures" to guarantee the inviolability of the Iraq-Kuwait border.
12. Foreign Investor's Right Protection Guarantee and Measures Law ensures the inviolability of property rights of foreign investors.
13. You underlined it perhaps because you were convinced that this was Milton's wonderful and liberatory, progressive celebration of the absolute inviolability of the written word.
14. We as long as let him know us is an inviolability.
15. Civil law is the basic law of a civil society, and its essential concept is the inviolability of civil rights.
16. Now the democratic world is in the process of removing that protection, while the autocrats rush to defend the principle of sovereign inviolability.
17. Whether the painting is a scene memory or symbolic structure into account, are sufficient to show the dignity and inviolability of his father.
18. There should be limitation for judicial intervention in school administration because of the inviolability of the basic rights of students and the rules of school administration.
19. It was agreed that the reporters and the right to inviolability of personal safety, property management imperative norms.
20. The ancient people considered the blood, amnionic fluid , lochia and etac as filthy and ominous materials, which will desecrate the inviolability, and drew up much abstinence of lunaria and birth.
21. For the country, for the people's lives and property. To the inviolability of our territory.
22. French overseas territories, France believes that this is part of the inviolability.
23. The essence of civil law idea is justice, and its core incarnate inviolability of private right, equality of personality and autonomy of will.
24. But for a government so fiercely insistent on the inviolability of its own sovereignty, this was a big step.
More similar words: inviolable, inviolate, availability, ability, viability, liability, inability, stability, usability, mutability, affability, pliability, equability, capability, durability, tenability, amiability, disability, variability, instability, portability, malleability, heritability, culpability, suitability, reliability, permeability, unstability, probability, separability.