Similar words: intention, international, contention, conventional, constitutional convention, unconventional, intervention, a bone of contention. Meaning: adv. with intention; in an intentional manner.
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1. She would never intentionally hurt anyone.
2. I kept my statement intentionally vague.
3. Their team was penalized for intentionally wasting time.
4. I would never intentionally hurt your feelings.
5. I didn't ignore her intentionally - I just didn't recognize her.
6. She's not intentionally unkind - she's just a little thoughtless sometimes.
7. The item he intentionally obscured would make several interpretations possible.
8. They would then be tagged as intentionally homeless.
9. Others avow that he intentionally distorted the trial.
10. I've never intentionally hurt anyone.
11. Pitchers intentionally walked McCovery 260 times.
12. For certain purposes gold was alloyed intentionally.
13. He had dishonestly and intentionally not fulfilled that obligation.
14. Indeed,(Sentence dictionary) editors were intentionally kept in the dark about finances.
15. The court held that they were intentionally homeless and so disqualified.
16. It is an intentionally achieved schizophrenia, with the expectation of a spontaneous remission-which, how-ever, does not always follow.
17. First and foremost, we are intentionally considering a limited subset of the potential causes of recent longer-term climate change.
18. It is a federal crime to intentionally disclose the contents of an intercepted telephone call.
19. The inequality in life chances has therefore intentionally been reinforced in old age.
20. Yet, I didn't understand that she was intentionally disguising her feelings with sarcasm; that was usually the last resort of people who are timid and chaste of heart, whose souls have been coarsely and impudently invaded; and who, until the last moment, refuse to yield out of pride and are afraid to express their own feelings to you. Fyodor Dostoyevsky ![](/images/enter.jpg)
21. The current flow, however, had been intentionally interrupted by ground commands several minutes before the break.
22. Ethically, it is impossible to redistribute income intentionally in a developing country to see if civil strife erupts.
23. Brown Inc. and other investment banking firms intentionally overcharge municipalities millions of dollars in fees while underwriting bond offerings?
24. It is a federal crime to intentionally intercept a telephone conversation or to disclose its contents.
25. Most leaders understand this; few intentionally mislead people about meaning.
26. The local authority ruled that he had made himself intentionally homeless and was therefore not entitled to be rehoused.
27. Once in a while pilots would actually penetrate Soviet airspace, intentionally or unintentionally.
28. We all lie at one time or the other, impulsively or intentionally, magnanimously or maliciously. We lie in personal relationships, social conversations, work places for good or bad reasons. Dr T.P.Chia ![](/images/enter.jpg)
29. It evidently included an assertion that the local authority had wrongly decided that he was intentionally homeless.
30. People, he thought, could move in different paths yet harmonize and help each other, but not intentionally.
More similar words: intention, international, contention, conventional, constitutional convention, unconventional, intervention, a bone of contention, irrationally, traditionally, contentious, unconditionally, attention, distention, abstention, pay attention to, interpersonal, intent, occasionally, potentially, rational, national, emotional, educational, irrational, functional, additional, intermittent, rationalize, nationalism.