1, There is no medicine against

2, He that fears
death lives not.

3, An honourable
death is better than a disgraceful life.

4, Nothing so certain [sure] as

5, Nothing is certain but
death and taxes.

6, Debt is better than death.
7, The valiant never tastes of
death but once.

8, In the midst of life we are in

9, Death pays all debts [scores].
10, Life without friend is death.
11, The swan sings when
death comes.

12, Cowards may die many times before their

Death when it comes will have no denial.

14, Death is the grand leveller.
15, The wages of sin is

Death is the grand [great] leveller.

17, Life without a friend is
death without a witness.

18, Better a glorious
death than a shameful life.

19, Death frees us from ills.
Death is common [sure] to all.

Death spares neither small nor great.

22, A fair
death honours the whole life.

23, They who live in a worryInvite
death in a hurry.

24, Conquer of fear of
death and you are put into possession of your life.

25, Death levels all men.
26, Death pays all debts.
27, Death squares all accounts.
Death is the only pure,(http://sentencedict.com/death.html) beautiful conclusion of a great passion.

29, The life of the wolf is the
death of the lamb.

30, I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the
death your right to say it.

1, We all felt sad about his death.
2, She became severely depressed after her mother's death.
3, He was faced with imminent death.
4, His death was a cruel blow .
5, They found him half naked and bleeding to death.
6, But his death was so needless.
7, The climber slipped and dropped to his death.
8, She almost choked to death in the thick fumes.
9, The probable cause of death was heart failure.
10, The people wept openly when his death was announced.
11, He died a slow and painful death.
12, Her death left a vacuum in his life.
13, Death released him from his suffering.
14, He was bludgeoned to death with a hammer.
15, He was stabbed to death in a racist attack.
16, The animals were left to starve to death.
17, There was something sinister about Mr Scott's death.
18, She grieved the death of her husband.
19, My mother's death gave me a severe jolt.
20, Can an act that causes death ever be lawful?
21, The state death penalty law was nullified in 1977.
22, He was battered to death with a rifle-butt.
23, He escaped death by an inch.
24, Are you for or against the death penalty?
25, Badly-built kit cars can be death traps.
26, His death was a senseless waste of life.
27, As the unrest continued, the death toll rose .
28, Her grief at her son's death was terrible.
29, His death was a direct result of your action.
30, Those who knew him are saddened by his death.