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Home > Incredible in a sentence

Incredible in a sentence

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Sentence count:277+14Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: absurddoubtfulpreposterousquestionableridiculousstaggeringunbelievableunconvincingAntonym: credibleSimilar words: incrediblyon creditcredibilityconcreteincreasedincreasingsacredincreasinglyMeaning: [ɪn'kredəbl]  adj. beyond belief or understanding. 
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91. For several blissful seconds she abandoned herself to his kiss, and to all the incredible, startling sensations exploding inside her.
92. However, the incredible Liverpool pensioner has amazed hospital staff and family alike with her remarkable recovery.
93. This was an incredible result bearing in mind the general statistics of 98 percent failure rates reported for most dieting attempts.
94. I found it incredible that he could make money doing that.
95. It seems incredible now, but no doubt the loss of revenue when conditions changed had deep and long-lasting effects.
96. Her story received enormous media coverage, perhaps because many people were fascinated with this incredible tale of political transformations.
96. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
97. It went on to top the charts for eight incredible weeks.
98. It seemed incredible; what would the Axis want with a bunch of small-town men and boys led by a band conductor?
99. Then it zipped away at what seemed like incredible speed and vanished from view.
100. In a moment she would open her eyes to discover that it had all been an incredible, fantastical dream.
101. Their enthusiasm started wearing thin after half an hour or so, but would none the less have generated an incredible upturn in business.
102. He also has an incredible view for 360 degrees, ideal for watching wildlife and tendrils of smoke.
103. She nodded, all the time moving about the room which was in an incredible confusion.
104. It was a genuinely selfless act, which I recount only because at the time it seemed so incredible.
105. It's a good all-round sports car, and incredible value for money.
106. When their motivations are strong and their targets clear, they are capable of going to incredible lengths to attain their objectives.
107. This factory was capable of producing an incredible 100 cars per hour.
108. It would hardly merit a mention except for the presence in the market of one incredible wine.
109. The double standards and hypocrisy surrounding this particular issue are incredible.
110. Ford made the automobile affordable for ordinary people, and they bought it in incredible numbers.
111. But he took charge of men; organized them; persuaded or inspired or commanded them to endure incredible things.
112. Chaos struck Llandudno Hospital as the freak storm resulted in incredible scenes of havoc and distress.
113. It shot backwards at an incredible velocity, rattling its passengers up and down.
114. Styling products come into their own with a slick of wax adding shape, shine and incredible movement.
115. It is incredible that the police still haven't caught him.
116. The computer can produce great volumes of rubbish at incredible speed.
117. In 1988, 2,019 Rottweilers were registered from 204 litters, which seems an incredible amount of Rottweilers per head of population.
118. Stale soul purifier Souls, like bodies and minds, are capable of incredible feats of endurance.
119. But in fact the similarities between you and Sybil are quite incredible - suspiciously so.
120. These birds make an incredible 10,000-kilometre journey to Africa every winter.
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