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Home > Incredible in a sentence

Incredible in a sentence

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Sentence count:277+14Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: absurddoubtfulpreposterousquestionableridiculousstaggeringunbelievableunconvincingAntonym: credibleSimilar words: incrediblyon creditcredibilityconcreteincreasedincreasingsacredincreasinglyMeaning: [ɪn'kredəbl]  adj. beyond belief or understanding. 
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61. In the dream, the baby wields incredible power.
62. I had an incredible crying jag.
63. You think and say incredible things.
64. Using the code requires incredible feats of memory.
65. The divorce rate in the U.S. is pretty incredible.
66. Winning the championship was an incredible feeling.
66. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
67. Main made me the most incredible clothes.
68. And then he had an incredible piece of luck.
69. This is high class, incredible tasting stuff.
70. The hassle will be just incredible, man.
71. That she should have wasted time crying over him was not just amazing, it was incredible.
72. But as incredible as it seems, this wine is a dead ringer for a $ 60 Chateau Beaucastel Vieilles Vignes.
73. It was a time not only of heroic inequality but of incredible ostentation.
74. The dean himself was incredible in guiding me through some hard times.
75. We applaud this kind of person when they climb mountains, cross deserts, sail oceans and survive against incredible odds.
76. He attempted to envisage and explain the incredible feat of navigation undertaken by Captain Bligh after the Mutiny.
77. Player-manager Peter Shilton will take another step along the road to an incredible target.
78. Mr. Hamilton I find that, from start to finish, a most incredible contribution.
79. His incredible determination and immodest personality kept him at the top of his profession.
80. Before their Joblike job was finished eight years after they signed on, they had written an incredible 27 drafts.
81. We went inside, and there ii was, the most incredible thing I had ever seen.
82. She's an incredible dancer.
83. Do you know-this is pretty incredible actually-I once saw Ringo Starr.
84. It seemed so incredible that his mind failed to admit the evidence of his ears and eyes.
85. The transformation has been incredible, with a real flow of talent coming through.
86. I was not surprised, although I was rather gratified, to find the semi-detached house one of incredible modesty.
87. For one incredible moment, Merrill knew a stab of envy of Elise.
88. The reality is that it takes incredible patience, persistence, stamina and hard work.
89. Clearly, you can get a starter home and not pay an incredible amount of money.
90. Her rapid rise from sweatshop worker to society portraitist is miraculous, not to say incredible.
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