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Home > Incredible in a sentence

Incredible in a sentence

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Sentence count:277+14Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: absurddoubtfulpreposterousquestionableridiculousstaggeringunbelievableunconvincingAntonym: credibleSimilar words: incrediblyon creditcredibilityconcreteincreasedincreasingsacredincreasinglyMeaning: [ɪn'kredəbl]  adj. beyond belief or understanding. 
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271. In fact an incredible number of famous and popular musicians have never used sheet music in their life, either using guitar tablature or playing by ear.
272. Thanks for excellent handling of my rush order for the incredible solux bulbs.
273. He has an incredible mind, he's always incredulous of hearsay.
274. Here are the incredible nominees for Best Supporting Actor a Motion Picture.
275. One day, when the boredom hits me like a brick wall, I will be off, hiking to the base of one of the hundreds of incredible rock formations I have seen or heard about, to begin some real adventures.
276. Nick Faldo makes an incredible putt from 50 feet, although it's a triple Bogey.
277. The bellowing from the animals as they fought their bloody battle was incredible.
More similar words: incrediblyon creditcredibilityconcreteincreasedincreasingsacredincreasinglypredictcredulousBiblepredictioningredientfoiblevisiblefungiblehorriblepossibleeligibleflexibleaccessiblecomprehensiblebe responsible foras soon as possiblerededitsharedscaredreducesibling
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