Synonym: absurd, doubtful, preposterous, questionable, ridiculous, staggering, unbelievable, unconvincing. Antonym: credible. Similar words: incredibly, on credit, credibility, concrete, increased, increasing, sacred, increasingly. Meaning: [ɪn'kredəbl] adj. beyond belief or understanding.
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121. I thought for an incredible moment that I caught something familiar in the sound - but it couldn't be.
122. That she should spare a first glance, let alone a second, on this man was almost incredible.
123. Where I come from, many people have such incredible gobs of money.
124. It grew bigger with incredible speed, she was whizzing towards it.
125. It's just incredible to try to create their vibrato and note choice on guitar.
126. It is really quite incredible that, after ten months, Councillor Buchanan should still be unaware of such basic facts.
127. And the first thing that hits you is the heat and the incredible, oppressive humidity.
128. It's an exciting life by any standards and this description of Watson's incredible feats certainly makes exciting reading.
129. Mitch looked stunned and she felt an incredible burst of guilt that she had not told him about this girl's problem.
130. Suddenly we nearly jumped out of our skins as there was an incredible clap of thunder.
131. It seems incredible, in this day and age, that a ship can just disappear.
132. To hold this little thing in your arms and feel a tremendous love and protection towards it is just incredible.
133. Despite this, many dealers earned staggering incomes by generating incredible turnovers.
134. After beating incredible odds to prove himself a classroom genius, Steven has been cruelly snubbed by prospective employers.
135. It was incredible, and until today she'd never experienced anything remotely like it.
136. One patrol car crashed during the pursuit, injuring two officers, but the police say it's incredible no one was killed.
137. I also find it incredible that the demise of Aldershot has not led to a positive reaction to assist the smaller clubs.
138. Cook had some incredible news: He and Barrill had reached the summit!
139. How incredible it is that out of many mistakes has emerged an outcome of such value!
140. And when that time does come, young twits are going to sneer at you, incredible as that may seem.
141. There were incredible stories of battered, scratched husbands who sounded remarkably like himself.
142. Inside of her 4-10, 90-pound body was a lively personality and incredible desire.
143. A yellow face, bloodshot eyes, and the feeling of incredible age.
144. The most bizarre and incredible aspect of this case was what followed.
145. The panorama from this point was incredible, a one-hundred-and-eighty-degree vision of natural grandeur.
146. I found it incredible that none of the women employed by Pan Am had challenged the insurance discrimination before me.
147. Many unattached skis went sliding off down the hill at incredible speed.
148. Incredible deltoids, biceps, buttocks, and thighs outlined and simultaneously gripped by the tight cut of his sailor suit.
149. It's a yawn to go on about it, but their attitude was in every sense of the word incredible.
150. The most incredible case involved a guy in Harrow who was advertising for men as a blonde woman called Susannah.
More similar words: incredibly, on credit, credibility, concrete, increased, increasing, sacred, increasingly, predict, credulous, Bible, prediction, ingredient, foible, visible, fungible, horrible, possible, eligible, flexible, accessible, comprehensible, be responsible for, as soon as possible, red, edit, shared, scared, reduce, sibling.