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Shared in a sentence

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Sentence count:273+12 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: a sharesharksharpsharplyshareholdershadeshakeshallowMeaning: [ʃer /ʃeə]  adj. 1. have in common; held or experienced in common 2. distributed in portions (often equal) on the basis of a plan or purpose. 
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1. A trouble shared is a trouble halved. 
2. Joys shared with others are more enjoyed. 
3. A problem shared is a problem halved. 
4. A thing is bigger for being shared
5. Joy shared with others are more  
6. He shared a pizza with his son Laurence.
7. They shared the care of the children.
8. The executor shared out the estate.
9. She had shared responsibility for her brother since girlhood.
10. They shared a powerful mutual attraction.
11. She shared the apartment with her live-in partner.
12. Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow.
13. Franklin shared the family's scorn for his wife's new friends.
14. Both superpowers shared the same instinct for self - preservation.
15. Workers and employees shared deep reservations about the wisdom of the government's plans for the industry.
16. She shared his fascination for motorbikes.
17. She wished that she shared his confidence.
18. Eli shared his chocolate with the other kids.
19. Bill and I shared an office for years.
20. The parents all shared interesting stories about their children.
21. Clinch and Harris shared an opening stand of 69.
22. Representatives of both parties shared a platform .
23. There is only one bathroom shared between eight bedrooms.
24. She shared her sexual favors with many men.
25. We talked about our shared experiences of India.
26. The financial burden will be more evenly shared.
27. It was the first time a Green politician and a Labour minister had shared a platform .
28. I had mixed feelings when I learned of your new assignment. Although we will miss you, we have to admit that management has made a wise choice in placing you where they can benefit most from your talents. We will long remember the hard work and happy moments we have shared. You have been a great team member. Best wishes and keep up the good work.
29. I hope you can find a little comfort in the knowledge that your grief is shared by so many friends who are thinking of you.
30. They came to an accord that profits should be shared equally.
More similar words: a sharesharksharpsharplyshareholdershadeshakeshallowshake offshake upredscaredreducesacredhardin the shape ofretiredpredicthundredcharmchartChart.harshcredulouspredatoron creditrequiredreductionharrowincredibly
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