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Incandescent in a sentence

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Sentence count:80+2Posted:2017-03-15Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: candentSimilar words: descendedcondescenddescentcondescensioniridescentdescenddescendantdescendantsMeaning: [‚ɪŋkən'desnt /-kæn-]  adj. 1. emitting light as a result of being heated 2. characterized by ardent emotion or intensity or brilliance. 
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31. I decide it's a good thing that I don't see Sean try to capture Ian's incandescent dance.
32. Immediately, it was wrapped in an envelope of incandescent gas, and radio contact was lost.
33. Suitable for incandescent lamp, mercury vapor lamp.
34. Suitable ofr incandescent lamp, vapor lamp.
35. Repetitive voltage fluctuations cause brightness variations in incandescent elements.
36. Suitable ofr incandescent lamp, mercury vapor lamp.
37. Lead in linear incandescent lamps with silicate coated tubes.
38. an incandescent musical performance.
39. Energy saving equivalent to 6 times life span of an incandescent lamp.
40. Although incandescent lights are not as energy efficient as other types they are low-voltage and low-wattage, thus saving overall energy.
41. Compact florescent bulbs combine these components into the base of the bulb so they can be used almost anywhere an incandescent bulb will fit.
42. It was bright and commodious, with a bevelled mirror set in the wall at one end and incandescent lights arranged in three
43. The presidency is less an office than a performance: Who saw the gloom and glower behind Eisenhower's incandescent grin?
44. To reduce its greenhouse gases, Australian officials hope to phase out incandescent light bulb use by 2009.
45. Mary: Of course not. The incandescent lamp we use in daily life was invented by Edison.
46. Such light as is produced by an incandescent lamp is called incoherent light.
47. Since CFLs don't work the same way as incandescent bulbs(, fixtures with three-way switches and dimmers require a special type of CFL that will work with those fixtures.
48. The effect is greyish blue in the sunlight and reddish purple in the incandescent lamp light.
49. The incandescent quality of his words illuminated the courage of his countrymen.
50. Suitable for incandescent lamp mercury vapor lamp high - pressure sodium vapor lamp metal halide lamp.
51. It gives us life - changing tools, from incandescent bulbs to lasers and fiber optics.
52. White-light is the lighting source of black and white camera and color camera, and it can substitute such traditional sources as incandescent lamp, fluorescent lamp and high-pressure gas lamp.
53. The trees in the Embankment garden stood bulky against the incandescent Sky - line.
54. His major inventions include phonograph, kinetoscope , dictaphone, incandescent light bulb and tattoo gun etc.
55. Over the past year we said goodbye to the incandescent Elizabeth Taylor and soulful songstress Amy Winehouse.
56. Mary: The incandescent lamp was displayed a World's Fair, and then introduced into people's life.
57. Incandescent reflector test lamps shall be of the widest beam spread available. A Type MR test lamp shall have a dichroic reflector.
58. Paris Expo, at the Edison invented produced by the tungsten filament incandescent lamp.
59. The bulbs are estimated to last up to 6,000 hours, which is comparable to CFLs, and three to four times as long as incandescent bulbs.
60. A dense core of incandescent helium is surrounded by a thin shell of hot, fusing hydrogen.
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