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Flora in a sentence

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Sentence count:250Posted:2017-03-03Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: botanyplantplant lifevegetationSimilar words: floridexplorationflourfloutflowflopfloatflockMeaning: ['flɔːrə]  n. 1. all the plant life in a particular region or period 2. a living organism lacking the power of locomotion. 
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211. Flora and fauna differ markedly between Kalimantan, Bali, and western islands on the one hand and Sulawesi, Lombok, and islands further to the east on the other hand.
212. The otherworldly Dragon's Blood Trees and other 700 rare species of flora and fauna have drawn people to Socotra, an island in the Indian Ocean.
213. Floristic attributes and biogeographical affinities of the flora were studied by analyzing its floristic composition and geographical elements.
214. A peacock, perhaps competing with the surrounding flora, struts in full regalia amid the roses and manicured hedges of an English garden.
215. The biogeographical significance of Gongga Mountain and the properties of the flora endemism at Mt. Gongga and Hengduan Mountain Range are discussed.
216. Located in the belt between the south subtropical zone and the north temperate zone of our country, Shennongjia is a meeting area of various flora, among which rich fern resources and species exist.
217. Mainly distributed in subtropical and temperate East Asia, the flora of Alismataceae in southwestern Hubei has a very close relationship With the same flora in Jiangxi, Jiangsu and Japan.
218. Based on the analytic study of distribution patterns of genera and families, it is concluded that the flora of the Mufu Range might be mainly temperate in nature.
219. Some explanations of the volumes 65(2) and 66 of Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae (Labiatae).
220. Trial 2 was conducted to study the effects of macleaya alkaloids on the intestinal morphological structure and gut flora in chickens.
221. The crash had spilled a noxious defoliant into the planet's ecology, ravaging the native flora.
222. This isolated region, a spring-fed wetland in the middle of the Chihuahuan Desert, has given rise to some of the most uniquely adapted flora and fauna on Earth.
223. On his desk was a printed form, which Flora had left.
224. Magnolia grand flora and Magnolia leilira grow better than that(Magnolia denudate Desr) in somber day.
225. Based on four field investigations in July-September from 2004 to 2007 and reference data, the characteristics of wetland flora in whooper swan nature reserve in Rongcheng of Shandong were analyzed.
226. Sigurd Islandsmoen s REQUIEM for soloists choir and orchestra is a unique flower in the Norwegian music flora.
227. After each burn, it planted longleaf pines and native wire grass, flora that dominated the area before European settlers arrived centuries ago.
228. In addition, the Angara flora represents a temperate climatic condition.
229. There they compile precious documents on the manners, government, religion, fauna and flora of the country.
230. According to the flora of China and others available literatures on energy plants in China, the geographical distribution on map of Pistacia chinensis Bunge was required.
231. Conclusion The normal flora in intestinal is very important to fat metabolism and drugs therapy.
232. During the reexamination of the Pertusaria specimens preserved in HMAS-L and NNU, 2 species new to China in this genus are added to the Chinese lichen flora in present paper.
233. Mohair flora , smart is also used in floor rugs and carpets and things like dorheredoll hair.
234. On the basis of mega and microfossil records, the flora of Yunnan Province has been studied in order to reveal the Tertiary floral evolution and climatic change.
234. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
235. She spent five weeks explaining how the flora of Pandora couldglowwith bioluminescence and have magnetic properties.
236. Job responsibility: Sunshine looks after bank bookkeeping and fixed assets account management; Flora is in charge of cost and expense report, cash bookkeeping.
237. We considered that the lactulose feedings were useful for growing well bifidobacteria, suppression of harmful bacteria, regulated micro flora, for maintained micro-ecological equilibrium in gut.
238. Enterococcus was the natural flora comes from enteron of silkworm.
239. They found evidence of inflammation, which disrupts tissue function, promotes cell death, and upsets the normal balance of gut flora.
240. A very toxic gas escaped and sported flora and fauna.
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