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Fist in a sentence

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Sentence count:165+13Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: clenched fistSimilar words: fiscalfishermanfishinglistwristtwistwaisttouristMeaning: [fɪst]  n. a hand with the fingers clenched in the palm (as for hitting). 
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91. He pounded his fist on the desk.
92. Challenge them to a good old-fashioned fist fight?
93. One third said they had gotten into fist fights.
94. Thomas banged his fist on the table.
95. Lily put her fist in her mouth and bit hard on her fingers.
96. I reach for a cigarette but he withholds the lighter, tight in his fist.
97. In reality it's just verglas with fist sized lumps of ice dotted around on the wall.
98. He closed his fist over the flower, crushing it into a pulp.
99. A fist fight followed, with much shouting and squabbling, until the ragged man succeeded in driving up to the door.
100. His fist went into Schmidt's throat like a hammer into dough.
101. With a sweep of one mighty fist, the daemon dashed the wounded warrior aside.
102. Nowadays we need the iron fist of policing in order that we might sleep soundly in our beds.
103. She would then try to adjust her flight path to the fist by altering direction into the wind.
104. When the Reclusiarch passed back again, each initiate must hold out his middle finger, pointing stiffly forward from his fist.
104. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
105. One of the students banged his fist loudly on the partition separating them from the driver.
106. The wizard uncurled his stinging fist and the roll of gold coins slipped between his throbbing fingers.
107. Then he spoke roughly once more, shoved the teeth deeper into his pocket and shook his fist at her.
108. There was generally a fist fight in Hard Class after lunch, and Vassily provoked quarrels at every meal.
109. She slammed the side of her fist against the table.
110. William Joyce presented the clenched fist in an armour of brass knuckles.
111. John spun on his heel and ran back to the banister, his fist closing on empty air behind the moving figure.
112. The cowrie concentrates its secretion along the sides of the mantle, forming a shell like a loosely clenched fist.
113. The woman behind Caruso had shut her eyes and her two hands had made a big fist in front of her face.
114. In the midst of all this I let go of one handful of weed to shake my fist at him.
115. Can you imagine knowing, and liking, a man who engages in fist fights?
116. They can not get away from the characters as they have fist fights or shoot up.
117. He crumpled up some paper in his fist and handed it to me quickly and got back into his chair.
118. I listened to him breathe in his sleep, and my fist curled to my heart out of habit.
119. Bringing his right fist back over his shoulder he punched Tommy in the face with considerable force.
120. Even so, my right hand is clenched into a fist, the only outward sign that I am afraid.
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