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Favourable in a sentence

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Sentence count:277+13Posted:2017-01-05Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: favorablegoldenluckyprosperousSimilar words: favorableunfavorableendurablein favour ofparableavoidableadorablebearableMeaning: ['feɪvərəbl]  adj. 1. encouraging or approving or pleasing 2. (of winds or weather) tending to promote or facilitate 3. occurring at a convenient or suitable time 4. favoring or bringing good luck. 
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121. Both the main parties were split with Labour more favourable to television than the Conservatives.
122. Some plants can compensate for quite heavy infestations provided there is sufficient time, and weather conditions remain favourable.
123. Clerical Medical's record of consistent performance has been highlighted in many independent surveys and has attracted much favourable comment.
124. Accordingly he took advantage of a new pope to address the curia for favourable letters.
125. It was after that that Edward gratefully accepted the thirteen-year truce which Bruce offered on less than favourable terms.
126. The important thing is to prepare the most constant and favourable conditions of development throughout the year.
127. This favourable attitude to the individual use of tape-slide material has been observed in other studies.
128. But delegates reacted favourable to calls for tougher sentencing, with proper life terms.
129. The theory states that if we receive an excess of definitions favourable over those unfavourable, then we will commit crime.
130. Others managed to negotiate favourable terms with their existing providers, thus achieving savings without affecting referral patterns.
131. Alternatively, defendants might be able to strike favourable bargains and get off more lightly than they
132. However, favourable outcomes have been noted repeatedly when adequate treatment is given before the onset of central symptoms.
133. When the stop of the Exchequer was forced upon the government in 1672 he received favourable treatment in the resulting settlement.
134. Clearly, the follow-up study was more favourable to the defenders of catholic schools than to opponents.
135. The second interpretation is that the economic outcomes, unfavourable as well as favourable, have been a consequence of the government's policies.
136. On the freight side, until the Charterail debacle, immediate prospects seemed more favourable.
137. Catalytic reaction kinetics are favourable over a wide range of pressures, temperatures and flow rates.
138. As you will see, we are offering very favourable terms to our regular customers.
139. Since the early 1970s less favourable conditions have existed due to major changes and shocks experienced within the international economy.
140. Bookbinding and library bookselling also made favourable contributions to profitability.
141. I don't want to hear your opinion -- unless it's favourable of course.
142. The companies had to be paid in their own currencies, at a much less favourable exchange rate than last year.
143. We need a legal and political framework that is favourable to business.
144. Now the clubs are to meet again, in circumstances that could scarcely be more favourable to Toshack.
145. They offered very favourable rates to industry to move into the area, and the whole venture enjoyed massive success.
146. During the years of our research, numerous other publications were already in circulation, helping to create a favourable climate.
147. When conditions are very favourable a mass of trailing stems are produced.
148. Those I interviewed said that nearly all the public comment they had heard had been favourable to the televising of the House.
149. From this elaboration will flow our obligation to help those without favourable backgrounds to have such a chance.
150. A delightful unguent jar from Mostagedda carved from ivory in the form of a hippopotamus argues that the animal attracted favourable attention.
More similar words: favorableunfavorableendurablein favour ofparableavoidableadorablebearablecomparablemiserabledesirablepreferableinexorablevulnerabletransferableconsiderablefavorfavoredfavoriteendeavourinexorablyscrabbleirreparablyconsiderablyableviablecabletableliablenotable
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