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Fare in a sentence

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Sentence count:167+12Posted:2016-07-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: chargeeatfeeget onpassengerprogressprosperthrivetollSimilar words: arebarecarefacefadefarfarmbakeMeaning: [fer /feə]  n. 1. an agenda of things to do 2. the sum charged for riding in a public conveyance 3. a paying (taxi) passenger 4. the food and drink that are regularly consumed. v. 1. proceed or get along 2. eat well. 
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(121) It bounces along wonderfully, with Caine obviously having a whale of a time, and is ideal kiddies' Christmas fare.
(122) Air fare is not included to the airport in Burlington.
(123) Perhaps he was going to touch me for the air fare home.
(124) Potato salad and baked beans are standard fare at most delis.
(125) Howard rode with us in the taxi, but the cheapskate didn't offer to pay any of the fare.
(126) It could have been your typical ugly argument over a fare between an irate passenger and a hired driver.
(127) She would walk, in lashing rain, a howling wind, rather than pay a bus fare.
(128) Whether government pressure will fare any better remains to be seen.
(129) Anyone over the age of fourteen has to pay the full fare.
(130) Now with the introduction of a new continental landbridge fare Sealink anticipate a steady growth in freight carryings during 1991.
(131) The sleeping - car fare includes a light breakfast.
(132) What's the fare on the Staten Island Ferry?
(132) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(133) Where am I supposed to pay the excess fare?
(134) The waitress brought us a bill of fare.
(135) Yesterday he changed his tune, saying the fare increase was experimental.
(136) If he could get a fare nothing else mattered - he was like a ravening beast.
(137) To be eligible for the lower fare, you have to stay over Saturday night.
(138) Have lunch at the nearby Superette, which gets most of its fare from the market.
(139) Known as "catch as catch can", it had become standard fare - and popular professional entertainment - at fairs and festivals in both countries.
(140) After adjusting for a single e-ticket itinerary showed that the original discount fare class code to show only.
(141) In all, we convert fare to tax revenue, which is a good measure to renovate "Ex-budget Fund" and to strengthen government income mechanism.
(142) The recent cab fare increase will hurt the infirm badly.
(143) If he gets caught for shoplifting, he may fare a punishment.
(144) Neither slap-happy comedy nor aggressive action fare, The Beaver is a somber, sad domestic drama featuring an alcoholic in acute crisis.
(145) Thus, our legal fare system can reach the "win-win" effect on ensuring the plebs to access the justice successfully and good function of justice.
(146) The plane problems and the torsion problem are standard fare in solution oriented books on elasticity.
(147) The fare will be about two hundred pounds at the outside.
(148) What of it if Winter has another snow-storm or two up his sleeve?I take my staff and fare forth to greet Spring with three dogs at my heels.
(149) For lighter fare, try yellowtail sashimi on a bed of kimchi ($13) and an array of clams and oysters plucked from nearby waters.
(150) They became regular fare at many drive-ins and small theaters catering especially to young audiences looking for thrills and titillation .
More similar words: arebarecarefacefadefarfarmbakebarbarnbasecagecarcardcartcarvecasecavecoreeasefactfallfanfarmerfastfeefilefinefirmfive
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